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[Share] Humbaba (animated)(Gracia Final only)


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You really made it? As in modelling, texturing? Or is it from another game?


Eitherway, good work. I really wonder how you can make it work for L2 when you make something in Unreal Engine...


Btw: with unreal engine 3 build ut2004, you mean the unreal engine that comes with UT 2004?

Thanks already for answering :)


PS: Nice name; "...a terror to human beings" ^^

that are in zelda twilight princess and as i told i converted him , that told all , i got some .ARC file i maked it to .Rarc that take me .ANM/GMD crypted DDS and i modded it on 3Dsmax 2010 exported as PSA / PSK imported it in Enreal engine 3 linked all texture on mesh , linked animation to mesh and added sound ,

and yes that unreal come with UT2004 (not demo :P)

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thx ? man its f*** Crazy i wont see this on all server and i start only for this nps ......

i didn't realy understand what you want to mean about "start" but start what ?^^



Small tutorial added for the .dat common error :


for newbies in dat that didn't know and that crash your file when you try :



Copy one line (what ever you want i take this one : )

17135	LineageMonster.mimic	LineageMonsters.mimic1_m00	2	interior_B_t.interior_B_box07	LineageEffectsTextures.cbui24									0			2	23600	23601																									1.00000000	0		1				4	ItemSound.shield_wood_3	MonSound.Hit_Wood_4	ItemSound.Shield_Wood_4	MonSound.Hit_Wood_5		1				0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	0

Paste it at the finish of you NPCGRP.DAT

Modify the ID to what ever you want

(i choise 99998)

so that do like it :

99998	LineageMonster.mimic	LineageMonsters.mimic1_m00	2	interior_B_t.interior_B_box07	LineageEffectsTextures.cbui24									0			2	23600	23601																									1.00000000	0		1				4	ItemSound.shield_wood_3	MonSound.Hit_Wood_4	ItemSound.Shield_Wood_4	MonSound.Hit_Wood_5		1				0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	0

now the hardest think to do

change the number of texture to 10 (or highter more is high more the file got high weight ... so :P)

i how to know where is the number of texture!!

just belowe the texture so here :

99998	CLASS	MESH	2	TEXTURE1	TEXTURE2									0			2	23600	23601																									1.00000000	0		1				4	ItemSound.shield_wood_3	MonSound.Hit_Wood_4	ItemSound.Shield_Wood_4	MonSound.Hit_Wood_5		1				0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	0

you saw the "2" below the TEXTURE1 and after MESH ? that the number of texture

so now change it to 10 like it :

99998	LineageMonster.mimic	LineageMonsters.mimic1_m00	10	interior_B_t.interior_B_box07	LineageEffectsTextures.cbui24									0			2	23600	23601																									1.00000000	0		1				4	ItemSound.shield_wood_3	MonSound.Hit_Wood_4	ItemSound.Shield_Wood_4	MonSound.Hit_Wood_5		1				0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	0

now all done !

Save the file (realy needed!)

now reopen the file NPCGRP.DAT

and remplace last line by mine and that done now you can save you files without prob =)

good luck if any prob send me your NPCGRP.DAT in mp i will can do it for you

(i do it only for gracia final any other cronicle files will rejected =))


PS again sorry :

i got missed up the Coll heigh and radius use this one :

Coll height  :350

Coll radius  :100


Download V2

(error corrected in new download !)

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Eng (i will post the tuto below in french so :P)

so don't ban or warn for nothin thanks =)



Pour les nouveau du .dat ce tuto vous explique comment eviter l'erreur en le compilent :



Copier un ligne (N'importe la qu'elle fera l'affaire, moi j'ai pris celle la: )

17135	LineageMonster.mimic	LineageMonsters.mimic1_m00	2	interior_B_t.interior_B_box07	LineageEffectsTextures.cbui24									0			2	23600	23601																									1.00000000	0		1				4	ItemSound.shield_wood_3	MonSound.Hit_Wood_4	ItemSound.Shield_Wood_4	MonSound.Hit_Wood_5		1				0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	0

Coller celle ci a la fin de votre fichier NPCGRP.DAT

Modifier l'ID en se que vous voulez (tant que sais pas utilise)

(J'ai choisi 99998)

Donc pour l'instant sa donne cela :

99998	LineageMonster.mimic	LineageMonsters.mimic1_m00	2	interior_B_t.interior_B_box07	LineageEffectsTextures.cbui24									0			2	23600	23601																									1.00000000	0		1				4	ItemSound.shield_wood_3	MonSound.Hit_Wood_4	ItemSound.Shield_Wood_4	MonSound.Hit_Wood_5		1				0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	0

Maintenant le plus dur a fair :

Changer le numbre maximum de texture a 10 (Ou plus mais plus sais haut plus le nombre d'octet pris sera elever :P)

Mais ou trouver se numero O.O?!!

Just avant la premiere Texture:

99998	CLASS	MESH	2	TEXTURE1	TEXTURE2									0			2	23600	23601																									1.00000000	0		1				4	ItemSound.shield_wood_3	MonSound.Hit_Wood_4	ItemSound.Shield_Wood_4	MonSound.Hit_Wood_5		1				0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	0

Vous voyez le numero "2"? avant "TEXTURE1" et apres "MESH" ?

c'est le numero qui indique le nombre maximum de texture

Changer celui ci sur 10 comme ci dessous :

99998	LineageMonster.mimic	LineageMonsters.mimic1_m00	10	interior_B_t.interior_B_box07	LineageEffectsTextures.cbui24									0			2	23600	23601																									1.00000000	0		1				4	ItemSound.shield_wood_3	MonSound.Hit_Wood_4	ItemSound.Shield_Wood_4	MonSound.Hit_Wood_5		1				0			1	0								LineageEffect.p_u002_a	0	50.00000000	250.00000000	70.00000000	0	0

Voila tout est bon!

Sauvegarde le fichier (se qui le ferme) (Tres important!!)

Maintenant reouvrire le fichier NPCGRP.DAT

Remplacer la derniere ligne (donc celle qu'on a modif) par ma ligne

et voila vous pouvez sauvegarder tout est bon si se tuto a bien ete suivi =)

Bonne chance

Si vous avez un probleme envoyez moi votre NPCGRP.DAT par "MP" et je le ferais pour vous.

(Je fait cela que pour le client Gracia Final les autre fichier d'autre cronicle sont rejeter =))



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i m sorry for you but i did it at the first try and that work ,

no never mind here your npcgrp.dat (can't send pm too so :P)

and in bonus i added the line for ganondorf , have fun =)


Npcgrp.dat for Simply =)

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