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Healing Without party


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Try to put your main chars name in "Party Heal" section. Should work without party too if i remember correct.


it won't work cause l2w doent know your hp out of party ;D

you can also simply xp far from the healer and when you're in trouble run back.

or add a "control setting" with healing, and e.g. when you pm "heal" it will heal you.

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Anyone else got an idea?

If it's possible to make it as a macro ingame, I'm sure you can automate it in walker.



/target insertyournickname



Isn't there a way to script this in walker to do it continiously when you're HP is under a certain amount?

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One way to get urself healed out of party is with the one that you couldn't make it work

and the 2nd that i use is just invite the buffers on ur party,configure the party buffs,heal etc,and then kick them out of the party.

I don't know how but they can still heal you.




ps: if you still can't do it then use the controll settings and just pm them for heal often,and not just when ur going to die! :p

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I don't know and I haven't tested, but I had an idea thinking of that.


Maybe if the command "SAY()" can be used to write anything like a command instead of a text message...

Say like "SAY(/invite friend)".


If there's an option in walker to invite a friend using those Control Settings panel (I'm at work, can't check now).


With any of the above options, you could invite a party member, so you could set on your healer to auto-accept party.

Plus you must have configured Party Heal correctly, so your healer will heal you once it's in your party.

After you're healed, you kick healer out (or just /leave using the same concept of the SAY() command).


So... on your main char you would need a script checking your hp, if it drops below X%, it will invite your healer, your healer will accept party, heal you and once you have Y% hp, it'll kick healer out. The idea is simple, the script is simple, but I don't know if it would work well.




Another idea (much more complicated):

You would need to make a manager for the L2W, write a program.

IF both L2W are running in the same box, then you could check memory address which holds your current HP of your main char.

If it drops below X%, then it could execute a macro (say you save a macro in ACTool or whatever) to heal your target, which would be your main char.

This would be veeeeery complicated. But I don't think it's worth the effort. By the time you finished doing it, you would have leveled a few dozens of time. :D

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Maybe if the command "SAY()" can be used to write anything like a command instead of a text message...

Say like "SAY(/invite friend)".


Is this command working for anyone?? i tryed it but wont work, maybe im doing something wrong or it just wont work??

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I haven't tested the command, only know it exists...

You need a party only to check your target's hp, else you cannot, which means that even if you have a healing script, it won't heal the target, as there's no variable to verify.

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I have found a way to make it work and it's pretty simple.

Party with your healer then kick him out or just leave party with him.

Now he will heal you even being outside party if you set a % and set to use battle heal when your ex-party member needs healing. (set target)

Easy. Works flawlessly for me.


PS: Sorry I should've edited my last post instead, didn't see I was the last one on topic.

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PS: Sorry I should've edited my last post instead, didn't see I was the last one on topic.

I don't think it matters in this case. If you had edited the old one then this post would not have bumped up and people wouldn't have read this posts again.

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