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Being Olympaid hero easier! [Feeding]


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As you all know, being hero on olympaid is way to hard, better spend your time to THIS and you're be hero for long long time for sure.


As most of olympaid players know, the olympaid is split into two caregories:

-Class bassed olympaid games'

-Class distincion olympaid games'


We'll concentrate on second alternate:

Usually all players play the first alternate and other people who trying to play class bassed olym., there way long to wait so they stop.


First you'll need few noblesse chars 3-4

the class of noblesse should be class, who doesn't need way many points go score, being hero like spoilers,crafters,support buffers,dagger class users (anyway you can try all classes BUT Soultaker aka Necromancer as expected, they need fucking many points -,-)

It seems to be very hard to get 3-4 noblesse chars, so I'd prefer to do that on high rates. But you can try anywhere, just it will take a little bit time.


Second, we have done all the chars, for example we've made 4 Fortune Seekers on Noblesse status. (If you do, congratulations :P )

Third, if your server have a rule that makes you able to use only 2 characters from same IP adress, no prob, but it will take a little bit time more again.

Fourth,we log 2 dwarfies ( if you rule is setted) and go to olympaid manager, both connecting to Class BASSED olympaid games.

Fifth,we wait a bit until it sends us to olympic stadium and next we choose dwarf to want him making hero

Sixth, the chosen dwarf defeating own dwarfies and getting points

Seventh, we do it with all dwarfies until all points of them aren't on chosed dwarf to be the hero.

And finally, the dwarf has 120 points from other 3 dwarfies. (Its 100% enough for dwarf)

(I was talking about dwarf but its can be used on all classed, but better dont do it with magos ^^, and the last shit, I dont guarantee nowday there will be another dwarf logged on class bassed olympaid and defeat you, but realy they doesn't realy play this bassed olympaid, and dwarf don't play it for sure!! xD)


I will be glad seeing your happy faces when you maybe will get the hero status. Piece dudes. Riu ;)

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or you can walker it up and use my ADEN olympiade leach script hehe




Although you need to press the "ok" button for the olympiad you can bot 5 characters and leach yourself.

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I've used to seach here how to it work but nothing found, could you discripe how to do it all..I've logged 2 necros ( 1 client , 1 walker) or is it supposed to log 2 necros = 2 walkers? and before or after we registre onto the olympaid turn the script? ::) ::) ::)

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put the character in aden, at the manager or w/e, have a few soe's wait press run.


wait till the character talks to the manager, press "ok" to confirm it going into the olympiad.


and ur done I think, made this a while back.

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To Riu : u forgot one thing, maybe another players are watching your fights and i think dual boxing isnt allowed in oly i'm not talking about 4 boxing but those players can make pics and report to admin and u will get banned 100% for sure. i dont think that is a good way to become hero, but thanks for share

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And how is it supposed to work? With what to open .SEC  ???

Ahh sorry, your siggy says it so ;D

I've used to seach here how to it work but nothing found, could you discripe how to do it all..I've logged 2 necros ( 1 client , 1 walker) or is it supposed to log 2 necros = 2 walkers? and before or after we registre onto the olympaid turn the script? ::) ::) ::)


RIU, tripleposting ?


-1 karma !!

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