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Be Carefull with bots


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I write them as i found


[glow=green]ANTI-L2W . IDEA1:[/glow]


[glow=red]In many servers i have seen cool feature like invisible item (anti-l2walker). This item drops from each npc and can be picked up ONLY by l2walker client and have a great weight, they cannot be destroyed or dropped. In other words, char became unusable... Does someone know, how i can do that feature on my server?[/glow]








[glow=blue]Create an item with no drop texture or meshes, and add the item with a high weight number in itemdata. Shouldn't be that hard at all.






Edit: be carefull with drops though, because they'll have the same effect on server preformance as any item being dropped and left on the ground.










[glow=green]ANTI-L2W . IDEA2: [/glow]


[glow=red]1-Make item indestructible , no texture . DO NOT give it big weigth. Or player s will realice what is happening....


Give it to all mobs with a low drop rate , very low or you will get lagg and item crash.


Since this item is low rate ,drop there will not be so many items laying in ground and it will cause very litle lagg, and still only l2w players will be able to see it. There WILL be a lot of items in ground , and whoever passes by with l2w will pick em up without even knowing it.


When you find players with such item un db then it is l2w usser.


After you loose a high lvl player for l2w use , you will think it twice before using it again. [/glow]




[glow=green]ANTI-L2W. IDEA3: [/glow]


[glow=red]Make system to check for players who ask for //gmlist with a 5 minutes period between. those who do that, will be l2w ussers.


This is a litle harder to do...yes, but maybe now that you gave the idea you can make it and share for all [/glow]




[glow=green]Last crazy idea: [/glow]


[glow=red]Insert sub-program runned for by l2.exe wich must check for process going on in the task manager every 2 or 3 minutes, and close those procces called l2walker. This might not keep people from using it , but it makes it annoying and many usser will just stop doing it. Make sure usser will need YOUR l2.exe and cant use a different l2.exe for connecting to your server








[glow=green]ANTI-L2W . IDEA4:[/glow]






[glow=blue]1. Go up to the player polymorphed onto the mob(s) they are hunting and if its the OOG bot it will attack you... if its a player it will know your name is purple.




2. If its a buff bot they cant do /walk


or do //heal on then and ask them to sit (if walkwer isnt set correctly) they will auto stand up.




3. Watch em buff TIME it... if its exacly 20 mins and theys tart auto buffing at the exact 20... or so on its a bot.




4. Port them onto a far location (ex. if they are sitting in giran take em to somwhere in aden) if they load immediatly they are probly using OOG walkwer or have extremely fast computers.








if u have report to afk botter, just find him, make self as a mob, add him a lot of PK points and wait till he will kill u , (normal player stop) than just port him to some town or somethin [/glow]




so take care of this or mabe one day will be banned!!!


P.S. [glow=red]with this[/glow]is one ppl


[glow=blue]with that[/glow]an other ppl

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Invisible items isn't a good option for big servers.





If its a buff bot they cant do /walk


or do //heal on then and ask them to sit (if walkwer isnt set correctly) they will auto stand up.





- basic action -> move type-walk


- You can select yourself even with OOG walker




the most efective way I've seen is a server that make players to use a file called protect.dll and beyond C3.




EDIT: never try to sit < 101% hp lol

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For items that only walker picks up, there is a patch on Hint's webpage I think. May be if you put in walker "not pick up" for "all the same" and then add every item that you want to pick up, the bot will not pick up the "ban-item".




Use DISABLE option if you are facing a GM.




For gmlist, set the refresh time to 9999.




For buff that are made every 20min, I'm not sure if admin can really control that. In any case, just put 19,5 min or 20,2 min.




I don't know if walker really attacks a gm when he is as a mob ? Can someone confirm this ?




4. Port them onto a far location (ex. if they are sitting in giran take em to somwhere in aden) if they load immediatly they are probly using OOG walkwer or have extremely fast computers.
Just don't move your bot and it will look like you are loading. And I don't think that an admin would ban someone for this. I play in windows mode with low resolution and the game does load up very fast.
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[glow=green]Last crazy idea: [/glow]


[glow=red]Insert sub-program runned for by l2.exe wich must check for process going on in the task manager every 2 or 3 minutes' date=' and close those procces called l2walker. This might not keep people from using it , but it makes it annoying and many usser will just stop doing it. Make sure usser will need YOUR l2.exe and cant use a different l2.exe for connecting to your server







this ideea is unless cuz you can hide the walker process or give him system id so ur proggy can't kill him :D

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Download (DEMO version only for L2Walker 10.4.9):
















May be if you put in walker "not pick up" for "all the same" and then add every item that you want to pick up, the bot will not pick up the "ban-item"




That doesn't works

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  • 2 years later...

I think gm can polymorph without showing his real nick.

What's more you can set up bot to attack only particlar mobs. All mobs has own ID's. When gm using polymorph I think he is changing ONLY animation which yuo can see. Bot is checking ID not animation

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