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Eimai sigouros epidh to exw psa3ei...dn eiparxh



8elw help sxetika me:


////Agument Armor/Jewels\\\\


8elw na mporw na bazw skills se armor me Agu wste na mhn peftoun,

Kai an ginete na eiparxh arxeio kati ena guide isos mia endi3h foto POST EDW.

Efxaristw, ean se periptosh epidh palh epsa3a ekana la8os topic se la8os section tote apla //move topic sto swsto meros.



skill se armor jewls dn mporeis na valeis me kapio bug... twra einai meriki servers opws o l2sisi p epeza palia p evazes kanonika apo to blacksmith... mporei omws o admin na s valei mesa apo navicat ...(apo to fakelo auguments sto navicat)



P.S ka8e 3 lepta 8a kaneis reply? gt re file pios 8a prolavei na dei to topic s se 3 lepta?


Κάνε μία απλή ls accesory ls στον Blacksmith .

akrivws auto. kai egw auto ekana alla epidi o admin itan M*****s nomize pws ekana bug t e3igisa bebea kai me ebgale apo 24 hours jail :@

Koita ston blacksmith prepei na patiseis kati p na leei "life stone accecory" den 8imame pws akrivws legete alla tesapa otan anoi3eis to para8iro 8a s zitaei kapies aples life stone px : life stone lvl 76 x5

Otan tis mazepseis oles pas 3ana ekei kai kaneis create mia ls accesory


diladi me Liga Logia zitas...

Otan Foras mia Armor Aftomata na exeis kai 1 agument Skil??

To eixa kani se enan palio Mou server..Otan kanw set Me Mia armor Custom Na mou erxete kai automata 1 AGument skill....

Apla to eixa kani prin 8-9 Mines kai prepi na to ksana8imi8w....


re paidia EXW SERVER DIKO MOU SERVER thelw na balw skill agument se mia armor auto thelw skill se armor apo navicat helpppp

exw server exw server exw server auto na ktlabete auto to help thelw exw server kai thelw na balw se armor skill!

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