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[Share] Demonic Weapons (CT2.3) !


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Well,i adapted this weapons for Gracia Final.

Original topic for Interlude:










Texture Creator - [glow=red,2,300]3lackheart[/glow]

Adaptation - [glow=green,2,300]Chandy[/glow]


Have fun :).

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Nice share.. But aren't these the original demonic weapons ?

I mean there were Demonic weapons for Interlude that looked the same as these ones.

Did you edit textures or just Weapon GRP so it would work for CT2.3 ?


Anyway Good Job m8.


Edited : So Sorry chandy didnt notice that you gaved credits.

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Nice share.. But aren't these the original demonic weapons ?

I mean there were Demonic weapons for Interlude that looked the same as these ones.

Did you edit textures or just Weapon GRP so it would work for CT2.3 ?


Anyway Good Job m8.

Lol,you read the credits?


Thx brotah,I love these weapons :).


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Well,i adapted this weapons for Gracia Final.

Original topic for Interlude:










Texture - [glow=red,2,300]L2-Khaos[/glow]

Adaptation - [glow=green,2,300]Chandy[/glow]


Have fun :).


texture are created by me for l2luna originally

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You have any pic to prove it?

well i know this guy Grisom he are Developer long time L2LUNA server and well he do a lot work there... he show me a lot work... old work and i trust in him... maybe this work think is for him too i found this textures in postpacific before and he are registred there too ok anyway thanks for work chandy really nice adaptation
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texture are created by me for l2luna originally

nice share..

Is his work.. i know him from lot of time from postpacific.

well i know this guy Grisom he are Developer long time L2LUNA server and well he do a lot work there... he show me a lot work... old work and i trust in him... maybe this work think is for him too i found this textures in postpacific before and he are registred there too ok anyway thanks for work chandy really nice adaptation


Ok guys,no problem :).

Credits fixed ;).

Ps: Sorry friend 3lackheart,i didn't knew about this...

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