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Loipon epidi ton teleuteo kero exoun akoustei polla sto prosopo mou,me auto to thread 3eka8arizw OLI tin ali8ia gia to prosopo tou EzEraL kai tou nS.Loipon egw,o Nasos, eimai filoC me ton Gianni[EzEraL].O Giannis eixe ftia3ei to account tou EzEraL edw apla egw me ton Gianni 3eroume o enas to account tou allou.Loipon,epidi o Giannis dn eixe xrono na asxoli8ei me to MxB anelaba egw tin diaxirisi tou account.Ne...Ne...swsta lete... egw eimai o spammer...egw eimai ekinos pou i8ele na parei posts[kata ta legomena sas panta..].Molis egine i istoria me to - karma pou oloi edw mesa tin 8imounte eide ta posts sas kai o Giannis kai 8imwse para poli oso fsk eixa 8imwsei ki egw.Egw omws dn mporousa na to sinexisw ka8ws dn itan "diko" mou to account alla autou.Opote osa last posts eidate apo ton EzEraL itan dika tou.Meta apo liges meres egw eixa agaphsei to community kai etc ekana new acc..ton nS.nS eimai EGW o Nasos o Giannis dn exei kamia sxesi.Einai allo atomo re pedi m pws na sas to pw.Egw eimai o Nasos.Auti einai oli i ali8ia gia to prosopo tou nS.Loipon oson afora ta e-mails....


nas0sgr@hotmail.com> Edw mporeite na epikinonisete me ton EZERAL.[asxeta an exei ws nick : nS.Opws eipa kai prin exoume koinoxrista accounts apla dn asxoloume ws nasos me msn kai mlkies...opote einai tou EzEraL.Mporeite na ton breite eki.]


Loipon ti exete na peite?Auti einai i ali8ia kai i moni ali8eia...

Nta3??xarhkate?Auta eixa na pw kai oti peite apo dw kai pera gia to ti eipa....ne exete dikio...briste me...




molis to eida kai mporw na se pw mono ena ....meta apo tosa legomena sou egw pleon den pisteuw lexi apo ola auta pou les....





Gia mia stigmi, esi apo tin prwti stigmi pou hrthes edw arxises na mas les oti den exei sxesh me ton ezeral, emeis sou ftaime?


Pw pou blexame... Wraia, sto katw katw X$STHK@M$ poios eisai, mporeis toulaxiston NA SIMWRFWTHEIS?

Epishs (an eisai o ezeral pou eisai) pws ti mia stigmi mas vrizeis kai tin allh mas siropiazeis? Egw na sai sigouros, oti tha se stiriza, alla to mono pou eida htan oti arxises na brizeis anileos.


Epishs kati akoma, to account afto sto msn den htan enos paidiou (nosfer)? :) Mou eixe dwsei to msn tou otan eimastan sto idio clan se enan server...


Tespa, sto katw katw, me sena tha asxoloumaste kalokairiatika? *LOCKED* gia na apofygoume kai ta flames, an exeis kapoia adirisi kane pm se kapoion global mod...


Serial to katadisame ade, den lew afthono gelio, alla DIXE LIGO ELEOS!

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    • Do you want stability? Lagless and bugless game? Instant support? Daily PVP? Long-Term playing? You are in the right place, time to start! Lineage2 X70 Interlude NEW Season 2025 February 8th 13:00 UTC+2 Greece/Lithuania: 13:00 UTC+2 Poland/Norway: 12:00 UTC+1 United Kingdom: 11:00 UTC+0 Brazil/Argentina: 8:00 UTC-3 Opening Bonus First 100 players after third class changing will automaticly get Premium Coin award in their inventory. All new players spawn in town of Gludio! All players start from 25 LvL with starter pack (adenas and equipment)! RATES XP: x70 | SP: x70 Party XP/ SP: x1.2 Adenas drop rate: x30 Drop Items: x25 | Spoil: x25 Drop SealStones rate: x1.2 Drop Manor rate: x1 Drop Quest rate: x5 | Reward rates: x2 (NOT FOR ALL) Raid Boss Drop: x10 Raid Boss Adenas Drop: x3 Grand Boss Drop: x1 Grand Boss Adenas Drop: x2 Information NPC Buffer 32 Buffs | 4 Debuffs PET Buffer for all classes [Except Necromancer] Scheme buffer: 3 Profiles. Buffs time: 2 Hours | Summons buffs - 60min. Global Gatekeeper. GM SHOP till weapon / armor / jewel B grade. Caradine letter 3rd part in GM Shop. Offline shop: SELL , PRIVATE CREATION , PACKAGE SALE from 35 LvL ! Mana potions: 500MP/2s. Spawn Protection: 20 Seconds. EVENTS Manager [TVT/DM]. Max Clients for one PC: 5 Rift | 4S Players: 3 Maximum inventory slots: 240 Maximum inventory slots for Dwarf: 250 Custom drop list: - Raid Boss Horus, Ember, Brakki, Nakondas: 1 VIP COIN (25%) | Korim (50%). - Raid Boss Apepi, Shacram, Atraiban, Korim: 1 BEWS (25%). - Raid Boss Glaki, Olkuth: 1-2 BEAS (40%). - Raid Boss Golkonda, Galaxia: 1-3 BEAS (60%). - Raid Boss Shyeed: 1-3 BEWS (30%) | 1-7 BEAS (40%) | 1-5 TOP LS 76 (50%). - Raid Boss Shuriel: 1-7 TOP LS 76 (50%) | 1-4 BEAS (60%). - Raid Boss Ashakiel: 1-2 BEWS (30%) | 1-7 TOP LS 76 (50%) | 1-4 BEAS (75%). - Raid Boss Antharas Priest Cloe: 1-3 BEWS (30%) | 1-7 TOP LS 76 (70%). ------------------------------------------------ - Hestia: Demon Splinters / Forgotten Blande (10%). - Ember: Arcana Mace / Draconic Bow (10%). - Galaxia: Angel Slayer / Heaven's Divider (10%). 1. Baium Lair and TOI 13/14 are PVP zones. 2. Valakas PVP zone near NPC "Klein" and inside Valakas room. 3. Antharas Lair and near "Heart Of Warding" are PVP zones. 4. Frintezza PVP zone is in first Imperial Tomb room. 5. Queen Ant PVP zone after the bridge and near Boss. 6. Zaken ship deck and rooms - PVP area. How to connect STEP BY STEP: 1. Install clear Lineage2 Interlude client 2. Download our patch, delete old system folder and add our 3. Delete, turn off anti virus or add our system folder to anti virus exceptions 4. Run l2.exe from Lineage2/system 5. Enter data on login window and enjoy the game! * You have to remove, turn off or use exceptions of antivirus because of our security protection. It is not a virus. * If you have connection issues with Windows 8 or 10, press right mouse button on l2.exe icon, press Properties, choose compatibility and unmark compatibility mode. Take your friends, clan, alliance, enemys, sharp your swords, clean your armors and meet your destiny at 2025 February 8th 13:00 UTC+2! WWW.L2BLAZE.NET INTERLUDE Empire X70 New Season: 2025 February 8th 13:00 UTC+2! WEBSITE: http://WWW.L2BLAZE.NET
    • Hello all,  i use L2jAcis 409 and i have problem with oly cycle, everyday is a different oly cycle and oly won't finish at the end of the month...almost 50 cycles and no end. I see oly matches in db but no points and after a day pass with /olympiadstat no points... Any help welcome, thank you.
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