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interlude [Interlude L2J] L2Gothic


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i will skip the part where i praise about how good my server is , that is for you to decide.

NON Customs Server - beta test over , wiped and opened today 7-09 -2009

1000x xp

1000x sp

5000x Adena

1x      Drop


66% enchant 77% blessed ; safe 3 , max 25

No custom items , no crazy stats ..

Gmshop - all items until a grade can be buyed with adena , S grade can be buyed with Shadow Coins

Buffer 1h  - ONLY PP buffs , so... bd;sws;wc etc can have a chanse to be usefull (all other buffs except pp - 20 minutes)

Heroes every 2 weeks.

Lvl up Zone (3 mobs to lvl 80...)

Farming its not very hard.

PvP/PK color system .


btw , even if its non custom, you cannot join it only with l2.ini (ip of server) , you need to dld the entire system folder to work...dev`s know why ^^


www.l2gothic.tk (will change to dot com asap)

thanx if you had the pacience to read all this.





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i did not say that people will not dual box . dualboxing is allowed ... i just said that bd/sws/wc and other support classes are usefull here.

on all (or almost all) pvp servers that i played in noone even know what a bd looks like... cos` of the `full buff`button ... i think that a bit noobish.

A pro player will know how to buff his char for pvp for pve etc.

btw , on the first update i will lower the time of sws,bd,wc , only pp buffs will last 1 h.

what do you think of that?


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First time i made hellbound server , total faliure ... ~10 players online in 2 weeks .

Second time i made it full customs , crazy stats .... many people joined , i had like ~50-80 ppls online all the time ... but I hated it .That was not L2 ...

This time i made it my way ... and maxcheaters way(i made a post and and listened to what ppls had to say) . No customs , no crazy stats , many people worked hard to fix skills , quests and alot of known java specific bugs/errors . Server was in test mode for 2 weeks...and now i`ve opened it .

I hope you will like it ...

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server its new , so there are not many ppl online at this moment , ~10 ppl , i really need some publicity :)

test it ... i like to thik that this server it better than` many IL servers.. many people worked hard to fix and patch many bugs, skills and make server nicer to play on.




And to answer to someone that was askin` about the old custom server...no , i will not open it again , it have to many core problems and you need a big team to fix it all... customs always make problems and generates bugs in server-side.

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