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Gm Team????


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Hi am from greece my name is Stamatis.... i wante be a gm or event gm or anything like that my bio...... am 16 years old i play l2 5 years ago i was gm on l2 sagi and hgm on l2 tympaki....i know  greek and german to speak.....am good on gm i dont give items or anything like that and i help ppl....with quest's or any another question who her have......wen any need a gm on his server on "InterLude" then add me on msn Foutzi_trela@hotmail.com am active on the day i play like 6-7 hours or more....anyway....wen u wan gm add me :) Friendly Stamatis..

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Actually he said Greek and Germany..

Check this:

« Last Edit: Yesterday at 08:35:46 PM by Futzi »


That means that he edited it...


Ok, I can believe that you didn't notice that, but you didn't notice these posts too??


You better remove that "I know english" from your post, you just prooved it by your post.

Yea srsly ,remove it.

P.S. exte u nab u promissed me a signature before 1 week T_T WHERE THE BEEP IS IT?!

ok i have removed take it easy... :)

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