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[Guide]How to edit your website using FTP client


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Hello everyone.


Today I was too bored,so I decided to make a topic with a Guide How to Install Lineage II Web Templates.


Ok, let's start then.


First of all,we need a domain and a FTP Client.


There are hundreds of companies that offer Domain Services so you can google it to find one.


For the client,I suggest you to use the Smart FTP.




Some Info About The Client :


SmartFTP is an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client which allows you to transfer files between your local computer and a server on the Internet. With its many basic and advanced Features SmartFTP also offers secure, reliable and efficient transfers that make it a powerful tool.


You can Download Smart FTP by clicking Here


So let's start editing our website.


Step 1 :


After installing the FTP Client,we must write the URL,Login And Password of our Domain.


When we done,we can enter at our website.


Foto :




Step 2:


When we enter at our website,we can start editing it step by step.


Foto :




Step 3:


When we select a template,we can copy the files of the template inside our client.


Foto :




Step 4 :


When the transfer of the files complete,we have done our website.


Foto :




Step 5 :


Open your browser and type your domain URL to see your website.


Foto :


In this case,i used L2 Despair's Website.



If you want to edit the files,for example change the site's name,info's etc see the foto below.





For users who don't have a domain :


1)Register in : www.000webhost.com ( Free company that supports ftp client )


2)Check your email.Webhost will send you after some minutes a username and a password.


3)Use them in FTP Client and login.



That's all for now.


Hope you like my guide and learn something about how to edit your own website ;)


PS : If you want Lineage II Templates Click Here

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Beepin' Awesome.


Fully explained guide with images.


You can take +1 from me.


Its really awesome guide.

From now on all newbies can design their own website in some mins.

I think he deserves his karma.


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Hmm..with FTP you can't design your website??

No you can't.

FTP is used to UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD files from ur pc / remote pc.Nothing else.

For designing is Macromedia dreamweaver for an example ,or notepad (i use it xD its the best :P)

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No you can't.

FTP is used to UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD files from ur pc / remote pc.Nothing else.

For designing is Macromedia dreamweaver for an example ,or notepad (i use it xD its the best :P)


Actually it's not for designing but for creating the website with a simple template :)

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Actually it's not for designing but for creating the website with a simple template :)

Yes its exactly for designing.PS+DW = powah.

Google it meng.. google it :]

also ,change ur topic title ,its kinda funny T_T

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Dreamweaver is to design your website.


FTP Client and filezilla is to put the template's files into your site.


But for me the Smart FTP is kinda good :)

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