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Hello my dear Cheaters & Developers. I'm really tired of seeing 10 posts every day in the developing help section, asking for weird & easy things. So I decided to make a COMPLETE guide with the frequently asked questions and others. Let's see what the guide contains...


How to add NPC in your own server.

How to add Buffer (which is a more special NPC) in your own server.

How to add custom stuff in your own server.

Other little adds by me, that will help a bit.


Chapter I: Adding an NPC in your own server.


Well, when talking about adding an NPC, we mean an NPC which you have downloaded ready from our forum, or somewhere else.

When getting the NPC's file, there are two files in it: Data & SQL.


Step 1) Open the data file and copy/paste everything which is in there, to your data file of your server.

Step 2) Open Navicat/l2j db and just follow the steps in the pictures below.


Step 3) Press right click on the l2jdb and choose the option "Execute batch file"




Step 4) Into your NPC's folder, find the SQL file and open it, to execute it.


width=640 height=400http://i34.tinypic.com/6zr7ec.jpg[/img]


Step 5) Just press start, and if the message in the following picture appears, then, gratz! You did it!


width=640 height=400http://i36.tinypic.com/34e2u4n.jpg[/img]



Facing Problems with that way? (executing batch file).


Then this may be more easy for you.

Well, open the sql file with notepad. You will see some values like these, in a big row:


width=1024 height=576http://i26.tinypic.com/2ivmx4z.jpg[/img]


Well, go at navicat, find the table "npc"/"npcs", open it and find the button "insert record".


width=1024 height=576http://i32.tinypic.com/23morpd.jpg[/img]


Then put in all boxes the values that are in the sql file, one by one, in the same row.

Then save the new file.


width=1024 height=576http://i27.tinypic.com/156thua.jpg[/img]


Now, go at your server, press //reload npcs / open it if it's closed / restart it, and voila! Here it is! Your new NPC!



Chapter II: Adding a Buffer in your own server.


Well, the Buffers are quest based NPCs, which means that they are not so simple to be added, as the normal NPCs are (like GM Shop).

But, after following these steps, everything will be much easier.

Let's go!


How to add Buffers on INTERLUDE.


Step 1) (For more experienced) Get your SQL file and put it in your Database through http://localhost/a or Navicat.


Step 1) (For newbies) Open Navicat and double click on your l2jdb. Then press right click on it and choose the option "Execute Batch file" Find the SQL file, from your Buffer's folder, and press start, to execute it. If an error appears, saying that it finished unsuccesfully, then the buffer does not suit your pack.



Step 2) (For more experienced) Put the .html files in your server.


Step 2) (For newbies) Copy the ".html" files from your buffer's folder, and paste them into C:/server/GameServer/Data/html/default.



Step 3) (For more experienced) Put the folder "9999_NPCBuffer (it may have another number too, but this is the most usual) in your pack.


Step 3) (For newbies) Copy the folder "9999_NPCBuffer (it may have another number too, but this is the most usual) and paste it in C:/server/gameserver/Data/jScript/Custom



Step 4) (For newbies & more experienced) In your folder "Custom", which is located at C:/server/gameserver/data/jScript, you will find a file named _init_.py. Open it with notepad and delete everything what's in there.

Then paste in there, that:

__all__ = [
print ""
print "importing custom data ..."
for name in __all__ :
    try :
        __import__('data.jscript.custom.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1)
        print "failed to import quest : ",name
print "... done"
print ""


Save & Close it.

Then just restart your server and voila! Spawn your NPC (the id is in the default file in the html file) and everything's ready!



How to add Buffers on KAMAEL/HELLBOUND/GRACIA.


Step 1) (For more experienced) Get your SQL file and put it in your Database through http://localhost/a or Navicat.


Step 1) (For newbies) Open Navicat and double click on your l2jdb. Then press right click on it and choose the option "Execute Batch file" Find the SQL file, from your Buffer's folder, and press start, to execute it. If an error appears, saying that it finished unsuccesfully, then the buffer does not suit your pack.



Step 2) (For more experienced) Put the .html files in your server.


Step 2) (For newbies) Copy the ".html" files from your buffer's folder, and paste them into C:/server/GameServer/Data/html/default.




Step 3) (For more experienced) Put the folder "9999_NPCBuffer (it may have another number too, but this is the most usual) in your pack.


Step 3) (For newbies) Copy the folder "9999_NPCBuffer (it may have another number too, but this is the most usual) and paste it in C:/server/gameserver/Data/jScript/Custom - the folder jScript may be named simpyl Script, but still nothing changes.



Step 4) (For newbies & more experienced) Go at C:/server/gameserver/data, find the file "Scripts.cfg" and open it with Notepad. Go to the last line, press enter (to leave a line) and paste this:



Save & Close it. Now just restart your server, //spawn your Buffer and voila! Everything is ready!







Step 1) (For more experienced) Get your SQL file and put it in your Database through http://localhost/a or Navicat.


Step 1) (For newbies) Open Navicat and double click on your l2jdb. Then press right click on it and choose the option "Execute Batch file" Find the SQL file, from your Buffer's folder, and press start, to execute it. If an error appears, saying that it finished unsuccesfully, then the buffer does not suit your pack.



Step 2) (For more experienced) Put the .html files in your server.


Step 2) (For newbies) Copy the ".html" files from your buffer's folder, and paste them into C:/server/GameServer/Data/html/default.


Now just restart your server OR reload html & npc ( //reload html & //reload npc ), spawn your Buffer, and voila!

You have a brand new buffer!


To avoid searching for ready buffers, here are some ready links:


1st Buffer {Oneo Dev Team}


2nd Buffer {xofox}


3rd Buffer {Stefoulis15}


4th Buffer {L2Lover}


5th Buffer {Gangsta / Kazeno}


And here are some .SQL Buffers:


1st Buffer {Stefoulis15}


2nd Buffer {g1ta0}



Okay, that's all on how to add the Buffers, but many developers are facing a problem on changing the buffs' duration.


It's pretty simple.


Go at C:/server/gameserver/data/stats/skills. Here are all the skills of your server.

Open one file for example, and press alt + F. Put the name of the buff you want in the box, and press on "Find Next". The files' names depend on the Skills' IDs. For example the Song of Vitality is at 0300-0399.


Here is an easy way to make the buffs' duration 9 hours.

Just download that, and copy/paste what's in there, in your C:/server/gameserver/data/stats/skills.




Then restart your server or use the command //reload skills

(If the Buffer you are using is .SQL, then by reloading the skills nothing will happen. You will need to restart the server.)


Many people are facing problems on finding a buffer, that suits to their pack. Sometimes they don't search much, or they don't find anything. Here is the solution!



This guide, from fdLP. is perfect, and will help you much, on creating your OWN buffer.


Chapter III: Adding Custom stuff on your own server.


Well, most of l2 servers have custom stuff. So if you want to add custom items in your own server, here's the way.


Step 1) After you have searched and found the custom stuff, you will see that there are 3 files/folders: Data, SQL, Client.


Step 2) Open the data folder, and copy/paste everything, to your server's data, in the correct folder.


Step 3) Find the SQL file, and follow the instructions, on how to use it.


Open your Navicat, find l2jdb, and open it.

Then press right click on it, and choose the option "Execute batch file".

After that, find the SQL, and open it.

Just start executing, and you're done! If a message appears saying "Finished Unsuccesfully", then you must have done something wrong, or may have chosen a wrong custom item.


Step 4) For this step, you will need your Lineage II folder, NOT your server! Find what's in the "Client" folder of your Custom staff, and paste it in the correct folder (example: animations, system, systextures etc.) of your Lineage II folder.


Restart your server and you're done.

Have fun with the new, custom stuff!



*Some links from our Forum, for Custom stuff, to avoid searching:

Stefoulis15's Customs

All Customs by GrisoM



Chapter IV: The GM Shop.


Well, I see many guys posting here their own GM-Shop. Allthough some new developers won't know how to make their own, so probably, they will get the ready GM-Shop, weather they like it or not.

Well, to avoid this, just follow some VERY easy steps.


To edit a ready GM-Shop, just download it, and follow the guide above, on how to add it.

Then go at C:/server/gameserver/data/html/merchant, and find the folder, with the ID of the GM-Shop.

Open that file, and you will see the starting page of your GM Shop! Now you can customise it, in the way you want. But what happens if your problem is the items sold? Well, it's pretty easy to edit them to!

First of all, to find them, go at C:/server/gameserver/data/html/merchant, and find the file with the ID of the GM Shop. Then open it, and you will see for every category, something like this:

 action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buy X"

This is the action, where by pressing a button, you are guided to the items for sale, in the gm shop.

At _Buy X, instead of the "X" there is a number (example 151510).

This is the number of the multisell. Now, go at C:/server/gameserver/data/multisell, and find the "Buy ID", like the example 151510. Open it, and voila! Here are the items being sold at the GM Shop, in the specific category!

You can edit them, delete them, or even create a new one!

For example:

<item id="1">
    <ingredient id="57" count="200"/>
<production id="1" count="1"/>


The item id is the id of the multisell.

The ingredient id is the item's ID, that we need to buy the production id.

The production id is the item's ID, that we buy.

The count is the ammount of items needed.

We always end with </item>.

To make a new multisell, we begin and end with <list> and </list>.


Here is a really analysed Guide about multisells, Thanks to Stealth.



Well that's all! So simple, but also usefull.


*If you don't want to start making a GM-Shop from 0 I will give some links for specific clients:

cenco9's GM Shop


HellBound GM Shop


Calesty's GM Shop

Picture by XxRxX

Interlude GM Shop]


Stefoulis15's GM Shop


Gracia Final GM Shop


Chapter V: The Gatekeeper.



Well, the gatekeeper is one of the most usefull and important NPCs of the server.

Follow this guide, if you don't want to download a ready gatekeeper.

(I didn't make another guide, as it's very simple and there's allready a link for it)





*If you are bored to make a Gatekeeper from 0, here are some Gatekeepers for specific clients.

KingStyle's Gatekeeper


Gracia Gatekeeper Ct2.3


XxRxX's Luxury Gatekeeper

Interlude Gatekeeper


SoulReaver's Gatekeeper


Hellbound Gatekeeper



Chapter VI: The Anti-PK Guard.


Well, this is not something dramatic, and it's very easy to be made.

The only thing you have to do is to find a ready Guard. Press Shift + right click on him to see his ID.

Then go at C:/server/gameserver/data/html/guards and find your guard's ID. Edit his text from here and my suggestion is to delete his quest (if he has).

Now, to make him more powerfull, jus' increase his stats IG with shift + right click.

Give him a strong weapon on L/R hand, of high grade (especially bow, because he will have big range to kill chaotic players.

The only thing you have to make sure is that the guard's aggro is 1.000!

That's all! Have fun with the new Anti-PK Guard.


P.S.: My advise is: DON'T place your Anti-PK Guard near an aggro Mob, because he will kill it immidiately!



*Here are some special Anti-PK Guards!

Interpid's Anti-PK Guard




† Legollas †'s Anti-PK Guard




XxRxX's Anti-PK Guard






Credits for the first part of Chapter I to XxRxX, who made this guide in the greek section. I just translated it, and added some little things.

Credits for the second part of Chapter I to ~Coyote.

Credits for Chapter II to Stefoulis15, who made this guide in the greek section. I just translated it and added some more little info & links.

Credits for Chapter III again to XxRxX who made this guide in the greek section. I just translated it and added something more.

Credits for photos of Chapter III and Part 1 of Chapter I, to XxRxX.

Credits for photos of part 2 of Chapter I, to ~Coyote

Credits for the little adds & translation & Chapters IV & V & VI to ~Coyote



Well, that's all I had to say. I hope you like my guide, which is made for 2 reasons. The first is to avoid spamming in the dev help section with the same questions, and the second is to make searching easier and more complete.


P.S.: Don't Spam in this Topic, or I will ask a mod for immidiate dekarma, without warning!

P.S.2: Every opinion accepted, even if it is a bad one.

P.S.3: I hid it for 10 posts only to avoid leeching...

P.S.4: Leeching it to another forum, even if credits are included, is FORBIDEN! This Guide was made ONLY for MaxCheaters Forum.


Best Regards,



well this guide is pro anyway thanks for the credits but the GM SHOP"S need a little update :P btw this guide deserves for sure +1 so take it ;)

P.S you made a little mistake  in my gk on your share anyway when i click on picture it show me a page from rapid share to download this and when i press on gatekeeper i saw the photo :P fix that :P anyway

sorry for my english.

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