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Voithisteme me Infinitel2

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Lipon eimai palios sto l2 kai 8elo na arxiso enan server pou exo ma8i oti

einai polu kalos kai oti exi trela pvp.Alla antimetopizo provlima me to

patch dn mporo na katalavo ti prepi na kano me to hosts file dn ta

katexo genika afta.Opios mpori as mou grapsi genika ti prepi na kano oli

ti diadikasia tha tou eimai evgnomon!



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Λοιπόν, μολις κατεβάσεις τα Hosts θα πας : ''Ο Υπολογιστής μου'' /-> ''Τοπικός Δίσκος'' /-> ''WINDOWS'' /-> ''System32'' /-> ''Drivers'' /-> ''Etc'' /-> και θα κάνεις επικόλληση το ''Host file'' που κατέβασες εκει.


Μετα αν ο server που κατέβασες σου δίνει κ ''system'' θα πας στο ''Client'' σου και παρε το ''system'' που σου δόθηκε και βαλτο μεσα.



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lol an isoun palio sto l2 8a ikseres pos na to kaneis ;p



afou katevaseis to patch toy infinitel2 8a to anikseis kai 8a leei host kai apo dipal browse. pata ekei kai dose to path pou egrapse o astra meta pada ok k afou pei oti olokliro8ike (dn 8a argisei) meta pata to X pano na klisi.. :p meta ta ipolipa ta exei grapsei k o astra.apo to system. an kai to patch tou infinitel2 vazei kai to ikonidio t l2.exe sthn epifania ergasias. epomenos boreis na to trexeis k apo ekei!



HF ston infinitel ine porosi ala ta items 8eloun kapsimo gia na vgoun :P

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re pedia dn lei na katevaso to hosts lei mono to patch kai otan kano browse mou dixni imhosts.sam




kai otan patao ena apo afta kai kano install lei pos afti i diadromi dn epitrepete

dn mporo na katalavo kai sto site dixni kai kano afto akrivos

kai pali tpt

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Gia na logareis ston infinitel2 kane c/p auto edo sta hosts sou.


# Copyright © 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


# For example:


# rhino.acme.com # source server

# x.acme.com # x client host localhost L2authd.lineage2.com auth.lineage2.com.tw auth.lineage2.jp L2auth.Lineage2.in.th L2auth.Lineage2.ph L2testauthd.lineage2.com



PS : An exeis vista kane ena reply !

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Orea, anikse to notepad san diaxiristis (run as admin)

kai meta file > open > system32 > drivers > etc > all files ke bres ta host ke kane c/p to text

pou egrapsa parapano. Etc tha boreis na ta kaneis save meta.

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enois na anixo notepad na pao anigma na epilexo to imhosts.sam tna to anixo kai na kano epikolisi

afto pou egrapses???kai na to apo8ikefso kai otan m lei sto patcher browse na patiso se afto pou 8a kano apo8ikefsi???


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dn exo hosts eki mesa exi mono imhosts.sam




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Patises ''All files'' kato deksia pano apo to ''open'' ?

An patises ke dn exeis, dn exo idea ti prepei na kaneis.


Ps: Min pirakseis to imhosts kalitera.

Perimene kapion pou kserei kalitera na

se helparei.

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