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Loipon perimente ligo gt simera to proi ta ema8a ola ki egw...eleos pantws...einai apisteuto...

Lpn...ton eze ton 3erw apo konta...einai o Giannis gia osous apo edw mesa ton 3eroun kala....kala min fantastite oti eimaste kolitoi alla re

pedi m to kin tou to xw... teCpa...egw ws sini8ws eixa paei tin Deutera to apogeuma sto net cafe m gt exei cs tournament...[btw exete kamia clan sto cs??]dn ton eida alla itan eki gt ton prose3a otan efeuge...gt itan mesa sta neura...na fantasteite otan t pa ti kanc dn m apanthse...teCpa dn ktlba ti pexthke...me to p efeige ekana to post p eidate x8es...ola ta pc sto net m exoun idia IP apo oti rwtisa simera to proi p me eidate online an dei o maxtor 3erei...gt piga kai simera to proi na kaw... ;D ...molis eida ta posts sas gyrisa spiti gia na deite to IP m!pernw til ton Gianni[EzEraL] kai m leei oti ton kanate ban....ton rwtaw gt...kai arxise kai m lege kt mlks gia Moderators kai dn tou edwsa simasia..gt re pedia to kanate ban to pedi ti ekane...pantws sas lew oti einai poliiiiiiiiiiiii down....isa p m milage emena...auto einai olo kai einai apisteuto...teCpa...8imasteeeee to alternative e-mail p sas eixe dwsei??? to nas0sgr@hotmail.com??e..diko m itan kai einai bsk af00 stamatise na mpenei me auto o eze....gia osous doun mesa ton nas0sgr@hotmail.com 8a eimai egw..opote miliste m ;D .Telos prospa8ise na me peisei na mn mpw sto forum gia logous p mexri twra dn m xei pei....egw 8a meinw..aaaa kai gia osous dn pisteuoun akomi mporoun OPOTE 8eloun na er8oun agia paraskeui kai na m milisoun..kai na milisoun kai ston Gianni..an fsk to 8elei ki autos....

auta eixa na sas pw...ta pragmata etC einai alla dn eiste ypoxrewmenoi na to pistepsete...[to tonizw auto]



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O tropos pou grafeis omws alla mou leei. Telos pantwn, opws sou eipa kai sto allo post sou, welcome!


Xwris kamia pareksigisi meta3y mas o eze anefere kai to name s mesa se ola auta p m pe..anyway egw dn exw kanena prob mazi s alla anti8eta eimai poli xaroumenos p apantises sto arxiko post m!

Ali8ia ti exei o tropos p grafw?



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to etC dld?panta mou arese to C to kefaleo sto telos tis le3is..omg an fteei na to kopsw..

@spawn123 3analew oti dn eiste ypoxrewmenoi na to pistepsete ka8ws einai e3ofreniko!

                egw 3erw oti eimai ka8aros :P


AAAAA dn m pate gia to karma....pws to pernw??prepi na pkarw kanena?



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Xm? posi wra sou peire na to skefteis olo afto? ;D


Kati exei (opws leei kai o koyfo)... Alla as mhn to thixoume, sou apadhsa kai sto allo sou topic... Tespa, an epelexes na giriseis etsi, welcome kai etsi... Btw, petixa ton echosoul ston msn kai mou eipe oti den eixan kanenan Ellhna sto palio server, tespa, tespa, tespa :)... Mhn thigoume katastaseis giati tha thixoume kialla...


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Nai nai nai, to pame to pame... ^^

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kai go ithela na grapso gia to location^^ela den pirazi p ise o ezeral telos,kanis den exi problima mazi sou an to exis katalavi,aplos ine i doulia tou staff sto forum,welcome gia mia 54544465 fora

kai episis pio cafe :P me ena rr to modem piges spiti^^

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Xm? posi wra sou peire na to skefteis olo afto? ;D


Kati exei (opws leei kai o koyfo)... Alla as mhn to thixoume, sou apadhsa kai sto allo sou topic... Tespa, an epelexes na giriseis etsi, welcome kai etsi... Btw, petixa ton echosoul ston msn kai mou eipe oti den eixan kanenan Ellhna sto palio server, tespa, tespa, tespa :)... Mhn thigoume katastaseis giati tha thixoume kialla...


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Nai nai nai, to pame to pame... ^^


File m...eipa etc ki alliws oti dn eisai ypoxrewmenos na pisetpseis auto to story ka8ws dn to pistepsa ki egw stin arxh...oso gia ton echokinetics pote dn eipa se kanenan oti eimoun ellinas...rwtise ton gia enan eko*Fire i eko*KiKi dn 8imame pio apo ta 2 eixa balei...8a s pei...


Kai kati allo gt kai oi 2 exete Location "under the moonlight*"[kapws etc..]????


klemeno apo to prof tou eze... ;D auto dn to anefera ton eixa dei otan ekane to prof tou se allo forum kai tou to klepsa...XD


Nai re pedia siga, ti psaxnete na vreite twra? tha kerdisete kati k na einai o ezeral? tpt apolytws, kalodextite ton k eimaste ok!


pragmati i kaxipopsia tous einai megali alla einai logiko ka8ws einai teleiws trelo auto p gine...


kai go ithela na grapso gia to location^^ela den pirazi p ise o ezeral telos,kanis den exi problima mazi sou an to exis katalavi,aplos ine i doulia tou staff sto forum,welcome gia mia 54544465 fora

kai episis pio cafe :P me ena rr to modem piges spiti^^


gia sena m milise,o Giannis...ton 3ereis kala ton eze?kai an kapoios exei er8ei ag.paraskeui to net cafe einai dipla sto spiti m...xa0a00ax Inspot legete opoios 8elei as er8ei na to dei...

Kai pistepse me dn mporousa me tin kamia na kanw rr to modem ka8ws katebazw to Simoria twn 13... ;D dn eimai treLoSsS.


egw se welcome alla eisai o EzEral kai kolonis na to pis ti na sou tespa



o,ti peis.Kai na s pw...akomi kai na moun o EzEraL....gt na to kripsw???bebea dn 3erw ti exei pextei me auton...alla gt na kolosw na to pw?akomi kai na moun o EzEraL....[makari kiolas exei megali fimi..]


Auta...tpt allo?Pedia etc ki alliws egw eimai ka8aros...apla sas ksanalew oti dn eiste ypoxrewmenoi na me pistepsete...



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re c twra mn kaneis mlkia re....


rezileyese me ayta p kaneis kai deixneis oti eisai to poly 10 xronon.....

(esy katalabaineis gia TI pragma milao kai elpizw na to skefteis...)


BTW o tropos pou grafeis einai o idios me tou EzE..

(an kai dn ton eixa proseksei kala gt opote ekane post o EzE m espage ta neyra gt petagotane san p..... se asxeto thread kai elege OTI NA NAI kai G@M.. olo to thread.......)


alla tote p to eixa parathsei kai twra pou to parathrhsa........einai AKRIBWS o idios tropos A-K-R-I-B-W-S.........


kai se ti allo miazete????'


dn exeis kleisei akoma 24 wres sto forum kai exeis 11 posts....


thats all....



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