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Well i was using OOG walker 10.6.3 in a C4 server:


website: http://www.wca.com.ve

Register: http://registro.wca.com.ve/

Patch: http://rapidshare.com/files/35893244/Wcaup...pdater.zip.html

Patch mirror: http://files-upload.com/281143/Wcaupdater.zip.html





I had no problems at all using OOGwalker/IGWALKER i even programmed 7 chars to level up toguether in party.

but one gamemaster entered the game and said: "We are restarting the server for an update".


He restarted the server in about 5 minutes and then I could not connect any char using OOGWAlker anymore.. I got this new error i cant understand:


Link LogingServer Succeed

Package Error...

Login LogingServer Failed



here ill post everything i used to connect with oogwalker 10.6.3:

































Title=L2Walker 10.6.3









If you could help me connect to this server again using OOGWAlker i will be very pleased


Thank you all for your support and help in advance


I think I know whats happening... Thing is i havent got it right yet..


I think that the port that im sending is 2106(the one every walker uses) but the port im recieving is different...


What i did was download WP v5.04F which can be found at: http://saur.x33.ru/ the whole page is in another language i cant understand but i manage to download it anyway.


I download the program opened it and then i opened OOGWalker 10.6.3 and clicked on it (o the WP program) then i selected a token that i know is the same as the one of my server (in my case was: Avalon Lineage2.net.ua), you can find this by opening the file inside the folder of WP named "Token.wp" u compare the one yo have with the existing one... If you own the token number but its not on this file then copy at the end of this file and also at the end of "token.wp~" 3 lines:


ns32=The name you want here

fs32=0 0(this doesnt change

ts32=Your token here separated by spaces..


remember to change the number of the 3 lines... If the last line has something like:

ns31=warsmith (03.06)

fs31=0 0

ts31=5B 34 31 39 5D 39 34 2D 33 31 3D 3D 2D 25 26 40 33 5E 2B 5D


you copy:

ns32(it needs to be 32 instead of 31 for every new line up to the 3rd)


Well... after doing all this clicked on a sun icon next to the token... made sure the protocol version is the same as the set.ini in the walker configuration(on both fields) and then i went to the walker


Put my loging password and clicked on login... This was the new output:


16:37:45 WP v5.04F © Sauron

16:37:45 Link LoginServer Succeed.

16:37:48 Login LoginServer Succeed.

16:37:48 服务器[01]当前在线率:13.96%,能否登陆:能

16:37:52 服务器[01]当前在线率:13.96%,能否登陆:能

16:37:57 服务器[01]当前在线率:13.96%,能否登陆:能

16:37:59 ->Login LoginServer Fail.


The thing that is in chinesse means:


servers [01] current online rate : 13.96%, whether the landing : no



So i managed to go throw the login part but now walker tries to access the server 3 times ad logs off..


Can someone help me from here?


L2WPPv0.5.3_free WalkerPacketsPatcher by ZyB ©


I dont know where to find it tho... Someone gave me the configuration of this program (the one that is requested by walker in order to work):



// L2WPPv0.5.3_free WalkerPacketsPatcher by ZyB ©



LF20KILLER false






// Ïåðåä òåì êàê çàéòè â èãðó îáÿçàòåëüíî íàñòðîéòå ïîä ñâîé ñåðâåð (true-âêëþ÷åíî)

LINEAGEII false //demo

CLUB-IX false

LINEAGEWORLD false //demo

ABYSS false //demo



LOG false


// Ñëåäóþùèå íàñòðîéêè íåîáõîäèìû äëÿ ïåðåíàïðàâëåíèÿ ïàêåòîâ ÷åðåç socks5 ïðîêñè ñåðâåðà

// â ïðîãðàììàõ, íå ïîääåðæèâàþùèõ ïðîêñè (LineageII êëèåíò îäèí èç íèõ).

// ýòà âåðñèÿ äëÿ ïðîêñåé, íå èìåþùèõ ïàðîëè íà âõîä, òåñòèðîâàëàñü äëÿ WP_PPC(ñ)Sauron

PROXY false






If someone could help me get this tool... I will be able to use walker again.. Thank you all for your quick replay and help in advance


Just tried 10.6.4 and nothing new happens...


Aperently the server is using a program called hauth made by hint and its creating a filter to avoid the use of walker...


As you all know in the set.ini we put portnumber: 2106... Well Im able to access the server using this port but i think (im not sure) that the server is returning 21060 and I dont know what to do with this info.



Thing is that walker keeps giving me this output:

23:44:51 WP v5.04F © Sauron

23:44:51 Link LoginServer Succeed.

23:44:54 Login LoginServer Succeed.

23:44:54 服务器[01]当前在线率:7.30%,能否登陆:能

23:44:57 服务器[01]当前在线率:7.30%,能否登陆:能

23:44:59 服务器[01]当前在线率:7.30%,能否登陆:能

23:45:03 ->Login LoginServer Fail.


Im using eL2Walker 10.6.4 and WP v5.04F...


ive tried different options like disabling in the "Walker panel": Anchors... then enabling it, or disabling c buff gmlist ... I mean ive tried basicly every combination there...


If also tried to changing the port GServ to 7777---21060--2106---20260... I even used netstat o the cmd propmt to see if 2106 is the correct port and apperently it is.. its under the domain of: secure.monstertax.com:2106


when i go to the optionProxy P-C i get lost for many of the option are not understandable...(when u click on P-C on that men u things get even worse)


i havent got a test account... I cant create an account because the CP is off atm, apperently they suffered a bruteforce and they no longer allow some1 to create a new account... They open the register from time to time.. As soon as i can create a test account ill give it to u guys




Take a look ^^ I have the same problem, but i haven't tested it since l2x is down for maintance...


Yup.. Ive done my search and everything you used to make walker work is fine... The new protection is call HAUTH, it filters the package that can be sent to the server...(made by hint the same creator of hlapex). To break his security we need to use the "Proxy C-P" option that is inside the program: "WP v5.04F"... The mayor problem for me is that my knowledge doesnt go that far... Ive tried using for proxy 1: 21060 20260 7777 and for proxy2: same


Ive also tried to modify the options that can be found when u press the "P-C" button but everything is in either russian or in some other language or in unknown characters like "???????" and i cant understand a thing... I personally know the gamemaster of the server i use and he wont give me the right configuration to make walker work... But he made it work


He mentioned that the new protection takes the port 2106 and then returns 21060 or 20260, walker crashes cuz he cant find the correct port to log in

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