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Gracia CT 2 jail system

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i was looking at this forums and found a lot of tricks/bugs to how to get out from jail

so i searched a little on the net and found this ! i hope it will be useful :





class CJailSystem

	CJailSystem() { }
	~CJailSystem() { }
	static void Initialize();
	static bool IncommingPackets(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, INT16 nPacketLen, BYTE nPacketID);
	static bool BlockPacket(CSocket *pSocket, BYTE *packet);
	static bool Say2(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length);
	static bool RequestSendFriendMsg(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length);
	static bool RequestJoinParty(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length);


	bool bModEnabled;
	bool bBlockChat;
	bool bBlockParty;
	bool bBlockItems;
	bool bBlockAttack;
	bool bBlockGeneralActions;

CJailSystem *pJS = NULL;

void CJailSystem::Initialize()
// Initializing the Object
pJS = new CJailSystem();

// Parsing the Config File
pJS->bModEnabled = CIniFile::GetIntValue("ModEnabled","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false;
pJS->bBlockChat = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockChat","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false;
pJS->bBlockParty = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockParty","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false;
pJS->bBlockItems = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockItems","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false;
pJS->bBlockAttack = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockAttack","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false;
pJS->bBlockGeneralActions = CIniFile::GetIntValue("BlockGeneralActions","JailSystem","L2Extend.ini") == 1 ? true : false;


INT32 nJailSystemIncommingPackets = 0;
bool CJailSystem::IncommingPackets(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, INT16 nPacketLen, BYTE nPacketID)

bool bResult = true;

if ( pJS->bModEnabled && pSocket->user->IsValidUser() )
	if ( !pSocket->user->SD->nBuilderLevel ) {

		// Is in jail
		if ( pSocket->user->IsInJail() ) {
			switch ( nPacketID )
				case 0x21: //RequestBypassToServer
				case 0x2e: //RequestMagicSkillList
				case 0x33: //RequestShortCutReg
				case 0x34: //RequestShortCutUse
				case 0x35: //RequestShortCutDel
				case 0x3f: //RequestSkillList
				case 0x63: //RequestQuestList
				case 0x64: //RequestDestroyQuest
				case 0xcd: //RequestShowMiniMap
				case 0x5b: //SendBypassBuildCmd
				case 0x5e: //RequestFriendInvite
				case 0x5f: //RequestFriendAddReply
				case 0x61: //RequestFriendDel
				case 0x6d: //RequestRestartPoint
				case 0x6e: //RequestGMCommand
				case 0x81: //RequestGMList
				case 0x82: //RequestJoinAlly
				case 0x83: //RequestAnswerJoinAlly
				case 0x84: //RequestWithdrawAlly
				case 0x85: //RequestOustAlly
				case 0x86: //RequestDismissAlly
				case 0x87: //RequestSetAllyCrest
				case 0x88: //RequestAllyCrest
				case 0x89: //RequestChangePetName
				case 0xa0: //RequestBlock
				case 0xac: //RequestRecipeBookOpen
				case 0xad: //RequestRecipeBookDestroy
					if (pJS->bBlockGeneralActions) bResult = BlockPacket(pSocket, pPacket->GetBytes(0x00));

				case 0x1e: //RequestSellItem
				case 0x0f: //ItemList
				case 0x11: //RequestUnEquipItem
				case 0x12: //RequestDropItem 0x17 RequestDropItemFromPet (?)
				case 0x13: //GetItem (not used any more?)
				case 0x14: //UseItem
				case 0x15: //TradeRequest
				case 0x72: //RequestCrystallizeItem
				case 0x73: //RequestPrivateStoreManageSell
				case 0x74: //SetPrivateStoreListSell
				case 0x1f: //RequestBuyItem
				case 0x44: //AnswerTradeRequest
				case 0x58: //RequestEnchantItem
				case 0x59: //RequestDestroyItem
				case 0x8a: //RequestPetUseItem
				case 0x8b: //RequestGiveItemToPet
				case 0x76: //RequestPrivateStoreQuitSell
				case 0x91: //SetPrivateStoreListBuy
				case 0x92: //RequestPrivateStoreBuyManageCancel
				case 0x93: //RequestPrivateStoreBuyQuit
					if (pJS->bBlockItems) bResult = BlockPacket(pSocket, pPacket->GetBytes(0x00));

				case 0x0A: //Attack
				case 0x2F: //RequestMagicSkillUse
					if (pJS->bBlockAttack) bResult = BlockPacket(pSocket, pPacket->GetBytes(0x00));

				case 0x29: //RequestJoinParty
				case 0x2A: //RequestAnswerJoinParty
				case 0x2B: //RequestWithDrawalParty
					if (pJS->bBlockParty) bResult = BlockPacket(pSocket, pPacket->GetBytes(0x00));

				case 0xCC: //RequestSendFriendMsg
					if (pJS->bBlockChat) bResult = RequestSendFriendMsg(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen);
				case 0x38: //Say2
					if (pJS->bBlockChat) bResult = Say2(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen);

					bResult = true;
		// Try to interact with someone in jail
		else {
			switch ( nPacketID )
				case 0xCC: //RequestSendFriendMsg
					if (pJS->bBlockChat) bResult = RequestSendFriendMsg(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen);
				case 0x38: //Say2
					if (pJS->bBlockChat) bResult = Say2(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen);
				case 0x29: //RequestJoinParty
					if (pJS->bBlockParty) bResult = RequestJoinParty(pSocket, pPacket, nPacketID, nPacketLen);

					bResult = true;

if (!bResult) {
	//CLog::AddAnsi(1,"[%s] Blocked Pckt[0x%02X] from [%ls]",__FUNCTION__,nPacketID,pSocket->user->SD->wszName);

return bResult;

INT32 nBlockPacket = 0;
bool CJailSystem::BlockPacket(CSocket *pSocket, BYTE *packet)

if(pSocket->user->IsValidUser()) {
	pSocket->Send("c", 0x25); // 0x1F - ActionFailed

return true;

return false;


INT32 nSay2 = 0;
bool CJailSystem::Say2(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length)

INT32 nPos = 0;
wstring sText		= pPacket->GetWString(nPos) ; nPos += ((sText.size()*2)+2);
INT32 nType			= pPacket->GetDWord(nPos) ; nPos += 4;
wstring sTarget     = pPacket->GetWString(nPos) ; nPos += ((sTarget.size()*2)+2);

if(pSocket->user->IsValidUser()) {
	if (pSocket->user->IsInJail() && nType>1) {
		pSocket->SendSystemMessage(1357); // You have been blocked from chatting with that contact.
	else if (nType == 2) {
		CObjectEx *pTargetEx = CPlayerTracker::GetUserByName(sTarget);
		if ( pTargetEx && pTargetEx->pCreature->IsValidUser() ) {
			if ( pTargetEx->pCreature->IsInJail() && pTargetEx->pCreature->SD->nBuilderLevel==0 ) {
				pSocket->SendSystemMessage(1355); // That contact is currently blocked from chatting

return true;

return false;

INT32 nRequestSendFriendMsg = 0;
bool CJailSystem::RequestSendFriendMsg(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length)

INT32 nPos = 0;
wstring sText		= pPacket->GetWString(nPos) ; nPos += ((sText.size()*2)+2);
wstring sTarget     = pPacket->GetWString(nPos) ; nPos += ((sTarget.size()*2)+2);

if(pSocket->user->IsValidUser()) {
	CObjectEx *pTargetEx = CPlayerTracker::GetUserByName(sTarget);
	if ( pTargetEx && pTargetEx->pCreature->IsValidUser() ) {
		if ( pSocket->user->IsInJail() ) {
			pSocket->SendSystemMessage(1357); // You have been blocked from chatting with that contact.
		else if ( pTargetEx->pCreature->IsInJail() && pTargetEx->pCreature->SD->nBuilderLevel==0 ) {
			pSocket->SendSystemMessage(1355); // That contact is currently blocked from chatting

return true;

return false;

INT32 nRequestJoinParty = 0;
bool CJailSystem::RequestJoinParty(CSocket *pSocket, CSPacket *pPacket, int nPacketID, int Length)

INT32 nPos = 0;
wstring sTarget         = pPacket->GetWString(nPos); nPos += ((sTarget.size()*2)+2);
INT32 nItemDistribution = pPacket->GetDWord(nPos);   nPos += 4;

if(pSocket->user->IsValidUser()) {
	CObjectEx *pTargetEx = CPlayerTracker::GetUserByName(sTarget);
	if ( pTargetEx && pTargetEx->pCreature->IsValidUser() ) {
		if ( pSocket->user->IsInJail() ) goto ACTION_FAILED;
		else if ( pTargetEx->pCreature->IsInJail() && pTargetEx->pCreature->SD->nBuilderLevel==0 ) goto ACTION_FAILED;

return true;

return false;


this will block almost everything a player can do

credits go to fidow for making it and me for share it here

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hmmmm this might work.... but is a funny way to get out from jail.....TESTED...in over 10 servers....low-mid-high-rate srvs......is a sort of bug that it cannot be resolved......if u want to know how to escape from jail send me a msg.....love this bug:X:X:X:X:X:X

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