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Software needed to download and install:

Java JDK 6 or higer, necessary for running the server

Link: Java SE Downloads - Sun Developer Network (SDN)

MySQL 5.x, necessary for Database

Link: MySQL :: MySQL 5.4

Navicat 8.2.7 (or higer) for MySQL (optional), gui for administrating the database

Link: Navicat - Download Center - Download the World's Best Oracle Manager, MySQL Front End & PostgreSQL GUI for Windows, Linux & Mac OS X - Download Now! Support Access to MySQL, Excel to MySQL, MySQL editor, MySQL administrator, MySQL frontend, MySQL man

Tortoise SVN 1.6.x or higer, necessary for updating the source code

Link: TortoiseSVN downloads | TortoiseSVN

Apache Ant 1.7.0 or higer, necessary for compiling the source code

Link: Download ANT




Just execute the*.exe file


Install and Configure:

1. Execute the file and select typical, click next and select the folder where you want to install it, when the installation is finished tick the Configure MySQL Server now box and click finish. Now a configuration wizard will appear, select Standard Configuration and click next, the settings in the next windows are just ok, next, now create a username and password (default username: root, default password: root), next, then execute and finish.

Tortoise SVN:




Easy to install so I won’t explain how :P.

Don't forget to reboot your computer.

Source Code:

Downloading source code:

Create empty directory, right click, SVN checkout.

Enter SVN url: http://aion-emu.com/index.php/topic,2.0.html

Compiling the source code:

Go to any project in the trunk directory.

There is a list of available projects(each folder is separate project) for compilation.


Open console in the folder of project.

Type ant, wait for compilation.


Preparing the server files:

Make another folder and name it aion-emu files. Go to: aion-emu\trunk\AE_LoginServer\build and extract ae_login.zip to aion-emu files folder. Do the same with ae_gameserver.zip from aion-emu\trunk\AE_GameServer\build. Open with notepad gameserver.properties from aion-emu files\gameserver\config and edit it like below:


The Folder should look like this:



Making a Connection to MySQL:

Install the program (it’s easy so I won’t explain how to install it :P). After installing run the program then select New Connection, a window will pop-up, configure like in the picture below.


Creating the databases:

1. In the left side of the Navicat window will appear the connection created at step 1, right click on it and select Open Connection, now the red “Thunderbolt” should become green.


Now right click again on the connection and then click on New Database, a pop-up windows will appear, fill the fields like in the picture.


Then double click on the ae_server_ls database to open it, after that right click on it and Execute batch file, navigate to aion-emu files\loginserver\sql and double click on login_db then start. Open ae_server_ls database and double click on gameservers table and fill the fields like in picture


Now make another database and fill the fields like in the picture.


Open the ae_server_gs database, then Execute batch file (you got the idea, right? ), navigate to aion-emu files\gameserver\sql double click gs_db_sql and start. Now we’ve finished with databases.

Running the Server:

Double click on StartLS.bat from aion-emu files\loginserver and StartGS.bat from aion-emu files\gameserver.


To connect with the client to the server unzip this file Launch.rar to C:\Program Files\Ê¢´óÍøÂç\ÓÀºãÖ®Ëþ

In order to connect with the EU/Na client you must change this


public class Version



* What version should server support

* [true = chs, false = EU/US]


public final static boolean Chiness = false; <------ this



in version.java before compiling



  • 5 months later...
  • 8 months later...

OK, so, I've done everything-- but the URL you're supposed to put into the SVN URL of Repository field isn't working. I can't even directly access it.

Has it been moved to somewhere else, perhaps?

Hope to hear from you sooner rather than later.

  • 1 month later...

im getting this error "[iNFO 2011-01-09 00:40:52] com.aionemu.gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServerConnection:108 - recived packet: [C] 0x00 CM_GS_AUTH_RESPONSE

[FATAL 2011-01-09 00:40:52] com.aionemu.gameserver.network.loginserver.clientpackets.CM_GS_AUTH_RESPONSE:88 - GameServer is not authenticated at LoginServer side, shutting down!

[WARN 2011-01-09 00:40:52] com.aionemu.gameserver.network.loginserver.LoginServer:133 - Connection with LoginServer lost..."  can anyone help me



New AION Java Project http://www.aion-java.com :)


Aion-Java Project SVN


    Dear friends,


    our SVN (may be later we will move)

    is located at :




    svn checkout http://aion-java.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/




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