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interlude [Interlude L2J] L][ EVO


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The old admin was CorLeoNe, and he was the worst GM EVER!!!!!

When I ask him simple question he told me to shut up because the Vesper shield is bugged.

Anyway, I tried server and it SUCKS REALLY MUCH!!!!!!


Don't join!!!!!!!!!

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Some1 with acc Close This Thread--> to manny spam!!


on/  corLeOne = have 14 year's!!! -> i know him in real life..




and DjStereo Also.. the big admin from L2phoenix


DjStereo and CorLeoNe



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DjStereo in Black and CorLeOne in Withe!!

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Posting fotos of other people in a cyber space = no life.


Whats your intention of fucking other people work? even if they are 14 they must be more smart than you are cause they managed to run a server.


l2evo is a cheap and worthless server like whole l2j around, this conversation is over.

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i still see the CS video..

It sux tho... >.>

probably his site -beep-ed :) xD

Nah... It's like that from the start.



As you can see u have only bad comments, reviews, opinions. Think of something better.

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