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GM, are you smarter than all that? why banned char KonI4IvA ??? Its wrong you bad i am not cheater ..... and you not good admin.

I demand to be placed on me account.


I wanna thank my mother my fother my sister my brother my uncle my aunt my grandpa my grandma my grandgrandma my grandgrandpa my father's cousin my 1st male cousin my 1st female cousin my 2nd shemale cousin my 2nd male cousin my sister's boyfriend my brother's girlfriend my girlfriend my mother second sister and of course my self for giving me the chance to be here


wtf dw got his own forums louz.


You play a server and you don't even know how to write properly its name.




You had 3 smart choices:


*To send a PM here (MxC) asking about everything you want.

*To send a PM in DeathWhisper's forums about everything you want.

*To make a topic in DeathWhisper's forums about your problem.


You had 1 stupid choice:


*To make a topic in MxC's forums about a problem which has to do with your banned char in L2DeathWhisper server.


....No more comments.



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