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[Guide]You want to spend more time easy to mxc? Look here!


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Hello guys, I will saw you one simple firefox addon.


This addon called ReloadEvery.

What can i do with this addon?

This addon do an auto refresh in any internet page you want.



And how spend more time to mxc easy?

Every member in mxc, have this counter


and when you enable the addon your firefox gonna do refresh alone. (You can watch DVD or you can go out or or or. :P)



Where i can find it? And how i can install it?

First off all go and download from Mozilla FireFox official site. Direct download link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/115

Press add to firefox and a smal window will pop up!


After this press install when is available.


The addon will install with success!


How i can to make it work?

Ohh this is very simple, just go in the site you want and do the followings....


width=995 height=768http://i30.tinypic.com/24xgyo2.jpg[/img]


And now you can do whatever you want in PC and the site will do auto refresh in the choosen time.


Thats all, hope to like it  ;)  :-*



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Good job Morian,Is work.Keep sharing.+1karma ofc.


You forgot to give him karma??If yes don't remember...This share is cool and good job to morian but it does not deserve karma for god's shake!

You gotta be kiddin' me...If i share Colorful tabs add-on will u give me +1???

No offense to anyone...

Karma taken back!

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You forgot to give him karma??If yes don't remember...This share is cool and good job to morian but it does not deserve karma for god's shake!

You gotta be kiddin' me...If i share Colorful tabs add-on will u give me +1???

No offense to anyone...

Karma taken back!

You're right...

really awesome share!it is not so usefull but cool and i think that deserves the karma! :)

It's just a well known addon... Nothing special.

I have 1.5 year now.

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You forgot to give him karma??If yes don't remember...This share is cool and good job to morian but it does not deserve karma for god's shake!

You gotta be kiddin' me...If i share Colorful tabs add-on will u give me +1???

No offense to anyone...

Karma taken back!


You don't like it? Don't post. You can't say if this share deserve karma.

I know is very simple, but is very cool, Is very useful for maxcheaters members.

Give the karma back, and let the mods do the Job anyway.

I don't have problem keep it, but if you have problem, you can make a post in report section. Give the karma back, and if you have problem make a post in report section as i told.



Good job Morian,Is work.Keep sharing.+1karma ofc.



Thank you CN ;)

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Sorry but this is my opinion...And i think that i am right..I've never said that i hate it...I really like it and i am using it!

But it's old and useless..Except if the counter gives u anything more..What?Power?NOTHING!

I won't give the karma back.If any mod has opinion i would like to hear it!

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CN it was not a serious reason for karma, calm down with it.


BTW, stop talking about off-topic things. It is a guide and we have to respect Morian's work. Don't destroy his topic and don't make me start dekarming.



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Good job Morian,Is work.Keep sharing.+1karma ofc.





give me now +1.491.514.123 karma


not that is isn't a good share but +1 for a add on (which can be found easily) which makes refresh? karma is has lost it's value these days...




on topic


good guide morian this add on had been metioned a bunch of times but none made a guide for it ;p

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I'm happy with my 31 days on without any addon or trick.


You get pro by respecting the rules not by time spent online, this is my opinion.Anyway thanks for share :P

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Yea Raule... i remember when TaKeMyLife say about this forum... but i dont join.... and now... i love it :)))


Maxcheaters --> FTW



btw i am bubulina :)

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I'm happy with my 31 days on without any addon or trick.


You get pro by respecting the rules not by time spent online, this is my opinion.Anyway thanks for share :P

i m happy with my 12 days :D

nice guide morian but its old and well known always friendly..

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