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Common Critical Errors and their Solutions


Error: History: FL2GameData::ObsceneDataLoad <- FL2GameData::Load() <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


Cause: The client cannot properly load banned messages.


Solution: Delete obscene-e.dat in your C:\Program Files\Lineage II\system folder and run L2.exe again.




Error: General protection fault! History: UOrcMove::CalculateCRC32 <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


Cause: The client is missing one or more vital files that are required to load the game. You have not installed the patch or updater properly, you have accidently deleted files, or you are not using the right Chronicle.


Solutions: 1. Make sure none of your folders are empty; ie. systextures, staticmeshes, textures, animations.

███████ 2. If found to be empty, reinstall Lineage 2 after completely removing the client via Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs.

███████ 3. If step 2 does not work, download a fresh Lineage2 installer from [Link 1].



Error: Negative delta time! History: UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


Cause: Your Lineage 2 client could not properly read your CPU clock speeds. This usually only happens with AMD processors.


Solutions: 1. Download the [AMD Dual Core Optimizer] program and install it.

███████ 2. Download this >XP ONLY< hotfix from the official Windows website (Genuine Windows XP required). [Link 1]




Error: Failed to enter Entry: Can't find file 'Entry'. History: UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


Cause: Your client is missing one or more required files to launch the game. This may also occur if you install the L2 Server patch onto the wrong version of the game (Hellbound, Gracia, C5, etc).


Solutions: 1. Install the patch in the MAIN Lineage II folder, not the system folder or anywhere else. Installing it in the wrong place can cause this error.

███████ 2. Update your video card drivers to the latest stable ones.




Error: Application failed to initialize properly


Cause: This usually appears when you are using modded video card drivers, very outdated video card drivers, do not have the .NET Framework installed, or any combination of the three.


Solutions: 1. Update your video card drivers to the latest stable ones.

███████ 2. Download and install the .NET Framework 2.0 [Link 1] (Genuine Windows XP/Vista required).




Error: General protection fault! History: UObject:: DissociateImports <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.SkeletalMesh =anything can be here=) <- IsLoadedResource <- User::SetPawnResource <- UNetworkHandler::Tick <- Function Name=NpcInfoPacket <- UGameEngine::Tick <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop


Cause: This is 99% of the time caused by video card drivers being unable to load textures, or it can be very rarely caused by a missing texture.


Solutions: 1. Update your video card drivers to the latest stable ones.

███████ 2. If step 1 does not work, do some searching to find out what driver versions work best for your video card. In my case and many others, the latest drivers have caused issues, and older drivers work much better.




Error: History: FArchiveFileReader::Seek <- ULinkerLoad::Seek <- TLazyArray<< <- FMipmap<< <- SerializeMips <- UTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject <- (Texture LineageMonstersTex.death_knight.death_knight_t00 99684524==99684524/133323252 99683358 132383) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture LineageMonstersTex.Death_Knight_T00 NULL) <- UOrcMove::CalculateCRC32 <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


Cause: You have a corrupt texture, potentially from another private server that doesn't know how to create a proper patch or from an action you have done yourself.


Solutions: 1. download a fresh Lineage2 installer from [Link 1].

███████  2. If step 1 does not work, reinstall DirectX 9.0c and update your video card drivers to the latest stable ones.




Error: History: NConsoleWnd::RequestAuthLogin <- NCAuthWnd::OnLoginBtnClick <- NCAuthWnd::OnPasswordDone <- NControl::SendEventMessage <- NCEditBox::OnKeyDown <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain::PassToFocusedWindow <- NCVirtualWndMain:ispatchWndMsg <- NConsoleWnd:ispatchWndMsgX <- NConsoleWnd:ispatchWndMsg <- UWindowsViewport::ViewportWndProc <- WWindow::StaticProc <- DispatchMessage <- 006903B0 256 <- MessagePump <- MainLoop


Cause: Another program is intercepting your connection with the Auth server when you click 'Login'. This can be from almost anything.


Solutions: 1. If you have an anti-virus program such as AVG, disable all active protection while logging in and enable it again only once you are ingame.

███████ 2. If you have another Lineage 2 client open of a different chronicle (ex. logged into a Gracia Final Part 2 server while trying to login to Interlude one), close the other client and restart your client. Also close any other games that utilise an anti-cheat program, whether it be Gameguard, nProtect, etc. You should now be able to login.

███████ 3. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc and open the file 'hosts' with notepad. Other than all lines starting with the character '#', make sure that this is the only line there:

Code:  localhost


Unless you have added other lines there and know what you are doing, you can leave those, but delete all lines with L2authd.lineage2.com, L2testauthd.lineage2.com, auth.lineage2.com.tw, auth.lineage2.jp, L2auth.Lineage2.in.th, L2auth.Lineage2.ph, or anything else you see that relates to Lineage 2 Auth.




Credits to Inspire.

And me for Posting here :)


p.s. Hopefully for a Sticky!


p.s. Hopefully for a Sticky!


+1 I remember the first time i got the CE, it took me some time to find out wich was the reason.


Awesom guide.


post is really useless imo..just install again the client and patch and u will be ok.


If the patch got errors, and you dont know where the error is, with this tips you can find out.


Also, can be an outdated driver, or missing program...isnt only a "client" & "patch" thing.



thank you a lot, bro i always play and i get error in oly, you don't know how it annoys, but now you helped me, i can say it again and again THANKS!


Cause: Another program is intercepting your connection with the Auth server when you click 'Login'. This can be from almost anything.  localhost


Unless you have added other lines there and know what you are doing, you can leave those, but delete all lines with L2authd.lineage2.com, L2testauthd.lineage2.com, auth.lineage2.com.tw, auth.lineage2.jp, L2auth.Lineage2.in.th, L2auth.Lineage2.ph, or anything else you see that relates to Lineage 2 Auth.



this is a very usual error and finally know why, really useful guide.


up for this


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