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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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why? wooo


just because


endART thats not "advertise your stuff here" topic its spam sure you can spam with this offer but there are appointed places for things like those.

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i post it only for You. its already posted in Hidden Section, but if you spammers want to dedicated, just pm me.

and its off top :)


;)  good luck

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that i am MaLe


oh that, ofc you aren't :P my bad sorry how could i write you're male i know how offended you get... sorry :P.

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Yeah, SPAMMERS! :D i like you all :*


Why don't you and Mace visit a clinic cuz things like those

i like you all :*


ain't for normal forums


[no offense just jokin , or am I ?]

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