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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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The other thread didnt had a moderator to delete, control the users. Here i rule, and if i see idiots flaming, i'll just ban them and then

delete their replys =D



Damn, I'm really thinking to download Pulp Fiction..


Should I? Oh, and btw, is it a bit old? :x

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GRISOM once in here you had posted some vids with a big black guy who was wearing a red shirt and was kind of a security guard in an office and he was beating everyone who dared to make smth wrong. Do you remember him? I want to watch him, he was pure pwnage.

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GRISOM once in here you had posted some vids with a big black guy who was wearing a red shirt and was kind of a security guard in an office and he was beating everyone who dared to make smth wrong. Do you remember him? I want to watch him, he was pure pwnage.



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Damn, I'm really thinking to download Pulp Fiction..


Should I? Oh, and btw, is it a bit old? :x


Its really old, but its fackig epic.

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