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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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So, is it over for today?


They are making a party about the 100 pages in 2-3 days


I wonder if they remember how does the sun looks like :p

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i guess you win, they gave up


nah, they went to sleep, the sad part is that when i go to sleep they reply and i cant argue with them, i just can ban them :^(

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cyah fellas.


bai bai


they don't sleep/eat/go out... they spam greek thread


What's better? Fuck an ass or spam with useless posts?


They are making a party about the 100 pages in 2-3 days


I wonder if they remember how does the sun looks like :p



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and you spam eng thread


everything balanced be happy :D :D :D :D :D :D


You haven't even understood half of what we've told.

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