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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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I don't care, it will never reach the pages of the gr spam topic ( the original ). =)


You know.. while its moved on the "deleted threads, deleted junk, deleted crap" section, i took the job to delete page after page of that thread, guess how many pages does it have now :D

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Oh i am so convinced......


Actually, the game is over.


you will never reach gr topic's posts :D


Goal - Achieved.



Or did it actually just start?





Actually, less than 500..

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You know.. while its moved on the "deleted threads, deleted junk, deleted crap" section, i took the job to delete page after page of that thread, guess how many pages does it have now :D


I know that it had over 2300+



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well i can't comment on that this is called -i am telling lies to my self-


The topic has now 3 pages max.

Even if it sounds "unfair" it happened, so yeah, goal achieved :D

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epic cuz 2300 pages? lolol.


It's not about the pages. It's about the response it had. It was loved by some people, it was something unique.



Even this topic is inspired by the gr topic, even the title is the same. =)

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