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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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anyway, if greek spam thread keep the good work on spamming... i guess in 2 months thy will catch us <.<


1) I don't really care, I just know that I will still be here ^^

2) IF their topic isn't junked =]

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"Fack you" is a suggestion too, although people don't like hearing it D:

It's feed to the flamers and they do wanna hear it so QQ at ur reply.

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It's feed to the flamers and they do wanna hear it so QQ at ur reply.



repeat it again, just make sure that you can understand it, lol.

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the meaning, or actually the thing that you are trying to tell indirectly, @ this reply.


It's feed to the flamers and they do wanna hear it so QQ at ur reply.

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the meaning, or actually the thing that you are trying to tell indirectly, @ this reply.


Now I see,

I was about to write:

It's food for the flamers so they do wanna hear=>Your reply got owned.

That's what I mean but Ancient greek are all over my head and I can't clearly!

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