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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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u had -1 karma before..:P




119 days.

And don't tell that it's reload every, we won't believe you ::)


I was even bored to edit the picture.. -.-"


You are just trying to show off!

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omfg the same thing day by day..


Me: What are we gonna do today?

She: Mmm..Lets go for coffee.

Me: Ok, Im coming from your home in 10 minutes

She: No no, im gonna make a bath and in 30 minutes i will be ready

Me: Call me when you are ready


After 2 hours, she calls me and she says that she will be ready in 10 minutes

/closes the phone, then waiting for 40~ minutes and then she calls me again..and then (Finally) we are going out


God bless internet, gonna play cod today till she prepares


LoL you amateur, is this your 1st gf? ¬¬

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LoL you amateur, is this your 1st gf? ¬¬

no..the problem is that she was on my home before 6 hours..


So this happened 2x today, Jeez.

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