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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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I was offline for ~4 hours and the only new reply was DreaM's? =//

Why this inactivity guys!?


There is something called "life" we have that, unlike others >_>


The sad part is some kids think this is true:




lol ^_^

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There is something called "life" we have that, unlike others >_>


The sad part is some kids think this is true:




lol ^_^


Oh come on, don't tell me you are a lifer. :>



eh.. too bad i've opened OGRST and now everyone post there =).




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Oh come on, don't tell me you are a lifer. :>


At least he is not the one spamming his ass off just in order to reach 1k pages =)


eh.. too bad i've opened OGRST and now everyone post there =).


Do you have to remind me? >.>



The only possitive thing is that we got rid of some annoying kids..


There is something called "life" we have that, unlike others >_>


The sad part is some kids think this is true:




lol ^_^



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At least he is not the one spamming his ass off just in order to reach 1k pages =)


Do you have to remind me? >.>



The only possitive thing is that we got rid of some annoying kids..




They are having fun. What's your prob?

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The only possitive thing is that we got rid of some annoying kids..





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They are having fun. What's your prob?


Problem? Nothing.

They are the ones keeping the forum alive.

Just don't say that we are the no-lifer guys ^^

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