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[EN] Official Spam Töpic. ಠ_ಠ


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The phrase you got there sucks so much and do you know why? Probably cuz you made it. What im saying here is that this phrase lacks any kind of logic. It tells you to firsly agree with the actual fool is saying and than backstab him while he's not paying attention. Well the only one who did not pay attention in this situation was you cuz your phrase lacks any kind of logic and no im not trying to start a flame ware just discussing the quote and yes i said it sucks but that's what i really think.

1) i didnt make it.

2) u dont explain why the phrase lucks any kind of logic.

3) wtf explain yourself better.

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fdLP quote got way too famous well yeah everything goes to the top while im supporting it . Btw Cobra put our logo in your signature.

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and i was thinking of paying u :(


This is not a democracy, in this thread i am god and my team can tell me wich posts they want or dont ;D

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