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[PHX] Char Info

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What's up guyz..!? i have an other one script for you! how to see a char stats! P.atk, m.def, class ... everything!



// Ñêðèïò äëÿ âûâîäà èíôîðìàöèè îá èãðîêàõ íà ñåðâåðå
// â User Tab: íèê, ðàñà, ïîë, êëàññ.
// Àâòîð: Furious
// Âåðñèÿ: 0.3

RaceID, SexID, ClassID, i: Integer;
Message, Name, Sex, Race, Class: String;

procedure Init;
frm := TForm.Create(nil);
frm.Caption := 'Char Info!';
frm.BorderStyle := bsSizeable;
frm.Position := poScreenCenter;

procedure Free;

if FromServer and (pck[1]=#$03) then
  case RaceID of
   1:race:='Ñâåòëûå ýëüôû';
   2:race:='Òåìíûå ýëüôû';
  case SexID of
  case ClassID of
  Message:='Ðàñà: '+race+', Ïîë: '+sex+', Êëàññ: '+class+'.';
  m.Lines.Add(Name+': '+Message);


you just only tick it and the phx finds every stat of the chars that are around of you!


Credits: www.coderx.ru

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o_O who has 400 karma ? Just write "OnlyForPlatiniumOrDonators"


P.S: Maybe it was a mistake or not? if it wasn't just delete this post

oups...big mistake! it's ok now!
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It will send us the name - stats or we have to target a player?

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I tried it, but after tickling in the Info's Windows i see only those things written:


???T ??????or?????p M??????: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

??: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

??-ff: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.

: Ðàñà: Ëþäè, Ïîë: Ìóæñêîé, Êëàññ: H_Fighter.


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Did you test it? It looks kinda weird.

it is tested by me



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I have results like this:

Darius: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: O_GrandKhauatari.

General: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

General: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

General: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

Darius: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: O_GrandKhauatari.

General: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

Darius: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: O_GrandKhauatari.

General: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

Darius: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: O_GrandKhauatari.

General: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

ReXXaR: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: DE_GhostHunter.

Rezka: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": female, E^e"a`n~n~: O_GrandKhauatari.

General: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

Darius: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: O_GrandKhauatari.

Darius: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: O_GrandKhauatari.

ReXXaR: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: DE_GhostHunter.

Niko: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: O_Titan.

Michelle: ?a`n~a`: E"?a"e`, I"i^e": female, E^e"a`n~n~: H_Soultaker.

KanaX: ?a`n~a`: E"?a"e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: H_ArcanaLord.

ReXXaR: ?a`n~a`: E"?a"e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: DE_GhostHunter.

General: ?a`n~a`: E"?a"e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

General: ?a`n~a`: E"?a"e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

General: ?a`n~a`: E"?a"e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: D_Maestro.

Darius: ?a`n~a`: I^?e^e`, I"i^e": male, E^e"a`n~n~: O_GrandKhauatari.


+ that I had to make some changes to make it work..

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Phx finds error on the script as magaki said you need to make changes to make it work, which changes doesn't let it work :<

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