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[SHAME]DěåthWålkěя's signature

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Hey guyz did u see the most lame signature ever???DěåthWålkěя's signature sux hard...And not 'coz of his skills but 'coz it ripped 100%...

Now i get what SeeYa said,that some guyz trying to rip his sigs and then they request for new ones...

Compare and see on ur own:

DěåthWålkěя's Signature:


~SeeYa's Signature:



Nice try mate...Keep ripping you pathetic nab...

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This smart guy saved the pic before seeya put his text here...Then he added his own and tadaam...Nice try...

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Pls don't spam mate...I know that this guy is totally failed...Come on...If u really want to have a nice sig read guides...Don't do such crappy things..

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That is just pathetic.I don't understand why people do that? Does that makes them feel pro photoshop users or what? =/

Ofc...They are happy when they do that...They also move their ears,trying to fly..

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Its really funny see things like this cuz this no is the first time who some one rip my work,but im mad cuz in "My Forum" too i mean itsk ok nab use in other forum or whatever u want but here? is patetic,u can still rip but think better no is better make ur own work and see what u did? i know the first times ur work will sux but that is GROW UP! im ok now,but next time look carefull this is just one signature but for me its ok for others u can have legal problems beliveme.



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amazing :O -.- ok that can i do

WeLL look how have the things....Deathwalker was reading the guide till he noticed that there is no text on the picture...O.o he said...Lucky me...And tadaaaam he leeched it...

G/J!!!Keep going..

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ahahaaaa....what a shame for DeathWalker :)) LOL..just deleted the text and put something glow..:)) shame for you dude.

No No...he didn't delete the text...You see SeeYa* made a guide about how to make such signatures...And deathwalker's signature is the picture that seeya showed on the guide before he adds his text xD!!

It's pathetic!!

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