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[Share(UPDATED)]Alt Codes


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hello guys..here i have you many Alt Codes, usefull for names  :)


ALT-0146 ’ ALT-0147 “ ALT-0148 ”

ALT-0149 • ALT-0150 – ALT-0151 —

ALT-0152 ? ALT-0153 ™ ALT-0154 s

ALT-0155 › ALT-0156 ? ALT-0157 ?

ALT-0158 z ALT-0159 Y ALT-0160 

ALT-0161 ? ALT-0162 ? ALT-0163 £

ALT-0164 ¤ ALT-0165 ¥ ALT-0166 ¦

ALT-0167 § ALT-0168 ¨ ALT-0169 ©

ALT-0170 ? ALT-0171 « ALT-0172 ¬

ALT-0173 ­ ALT-0174 ® ALT-0175 ?

ALT-0176 ° ALT-0177 ± ALT-0178 ²

ALT-0179 ³ ALT-0180 / ALT-0181 µ

ALT-0182 ¶ ALT-0183 · ALT-0184 ?

ALT-0185 ? ALT-0186 ? ALT-0187 »

ALT-0188 ? ALT-0189 ½ ALT-0190 ?

ALT-0191 ?




0176 ° Degree sign

0133 … Three dots

0131 ƒ Function

0134 † Cross sign, dagger

0135 ‡ Double dagger

0137 ‰ Permil, permile, per mile

0140 ΠCE sign, fish

0156 œ Small ce

0191 ¿ Upside-down question

0151 — Dash

0198 Æ Aelig big, AE sign

0230 æ Small aelig, ae sign

0163 £ Pound sign, GBP

0128 € Euro sign, EUR

0165 ¥ Yen sign, JPY

0162 ¢ Cent sign

0215 × Middle X, x times, multiply

21 § Section sign, paragraph

15 ☼ Sun

27 ← Left arrow

26 → Right arrow

29 ↔ Two sided left right arrow

24 ↑ Up arrow

25 ↓ Down arrow

23 ↨ Up down double arrow

3 ♥ Heart, valentine, card

6 ♠ Spades card character

11 ♂ Man, male, Mars

0189 ½ Half, 1/2

0188 ¼ One forth, 1/4

0190 ¾ 3/4

0177 ± Plus - minus, plusminus

0179 ³ 3-d degree, third degree

0178 ² Second degree, 2-nd

0185 ¹ First degree

0186 º Zero degree

0169 © Copyright, copy, C

0174 ® Registered, register

0153 ™ Trade mark, trade, TM

0216 Ø Not in, O, zero

0221 Ý Latin Y

127 Δ Delta, difference

7 • Middot, middle point

0208 Ð Big D, Lick, Big tongue

0222 Þ Lick, tongue

30 ▲ Triangle up

31 ▼ Triangle down

16 ► Triangle right

17 ◄ Triangle left

1 ☺ White smiley face, smile

2 ☻ Black smiley face, smile

13 ♪ Music note 1

14 ♫ Music note 2

4 ♦ Diams, Lozenge card

5 ♣ Shamrock, Clubs card

12 ♀ Woman, female, Venus


ALT-0191 ¿

ALT-0192 À

ALT-0193 Á

ALT-0194 Â

ALT-0195 Ã

ALT-0196 Ä

ALT-0197 Å

ALT-0198 Æ

ALT-0199 Ç

ALT-0200 È

ALT-0201 É

ALT-0202 Ê

ALT-0203 Ë

ALT-0204 Ì

ALT-0205 Í

ALT-0206 Î

ALT-0207 Ï

ALT-0208 Ð

ALT-0209 Ñ

ALT-0210 Ò

ALT-0211 Ó

ALT-0212 Ô

ALT-0213 Õ

ALT-0214 Ö

ALT-0215 ×

ALT-0216 Ø

ALT-0217 Ù

ALT-0218 Ú

ALT-0219 Û

ALT-0220 Ü

ALT-0221 Ý

ALT-0222 Þ

ALT-0223 ß

ALT-0224 à

ALT-0225 á

ALT-0226 â

ALT-0227 ã

ALT-0228 ä

ALT-0229 å

ALT-0230 æ

ALT-0231 e

ALT-0232 è

ALT-0233 é

ALT-0234 ê

ALT-0235 ë

ALT-0236 ì

ALT-0237 í

ALT-0238 î

ALT-0239 ï

ALT-0240 ð

ALT-0241 ñ

ALT-0242 ò

ALT-0243 ó

ALT-0244 ô

ALT-0245 õ

ALT-0246 ö

ALT-0247 ÷

ALT-0248 ø

ALT-0249 ù

ALT-0250 ú

ALT-0251 û

ALT-0252 ü

ALT-0253 ý

ALT-0254 þ

ALT-0255 ÿ


Enjoy  :D

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it works for me fine, if didnt work for some of you

guys then maybe you did something wrong.

I didnt know that trick thx.

i think for all guys will be work fine...so now if anyone try to use them on a program

and take this "??" ....that means the program doesnt support alt codes..

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