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[HELP] Game and Login server errors ...



Game server error:





Last packet sent to the server was 0 ms ago.

com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure due to under

lying exception:





MESSAGE: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect




java.net.SocketException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused: connect



Login server error:


ERROR : JDBC begin failed com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException: Communications

link failure due to underlying exception:





MESSAGE: Software caused connection abort: recv failed



Im using the Titan Creations pack ... thank you


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13 answers to this question

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Tell me,

You have Istalled Java ?

The Most Important thing for that server pack is JAVA.


If yes, cancel your server Folder and Extract Again ....

If No, Download Java (Search In Google for Java JRE), Install, Cancel the server Folder and Extract Again.


If you try this Without Results, you must Contact Killer_007 or Domuk ;D

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java and check if everything on your proccesses is running right (task manager, check for mysql + java)


@ekoice I'm trying to decrease my PMs this period ;D You are good enough to hold some of them ;)

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Well guys i think i knw whats the real problem ... when i try to log in Navicat it says "Cant  connect to MySQL server localhost (10006) " .. Maybe youll ask did i installed MySQL .. Yeah i did .. but when i reinstalled it on the security execute i get other error "Access denied for user localhost blabla" It says to delete all the leftover files before Reinstalling ... i delete them and still get the error on the security execute ...  ;(

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well i removed the SQL and navicat ... extracted the server again then press start.bat then game , login and i get this error



after that it says ...

"Server terminated abnormaly"

"server terminated"

"Press any key to continue"





well it seems none will help me with this  :'( Why im sucha noob ...... damn ..

Cmon killer_007 i know you can help me dude :'( !!

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Well, As I know :


You DON'T need : Mysql and Navicat.

You NEED : Java JRE.


Istall Java, Extract the Server, And try again.

I can't Understand Why you got that Error...


I never Got a error Like that, And Im Noob too In those things....

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Let me explain you the error...


Java has the ability to connect to mysql, so it tries to do that (as requested by the code) but the socket refuses the connection of it to the mysql... So, there is a login explanation for all these :)




*PS If you see me on, it doesn't mean that i'm in front of my PC...

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Yeah i did pressed the start.bat ..

P.S Before when i tryed to install MySQL on the execute screen i got the error .. "Acess denied for user localhost" ... maybe everything is coming from that

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Well, after all these, considering the fact that you installed previously MYSQL, it may has left some <<rubbish>> behind it which don't allow mysql of DiskW to start normally, so try uninstalling it completely (registry entries, any files left, any startup things, kill any mysql proccess and try start.bat after that...) and try again...


It was normal not to allow you to access, as in the config files the password was root, and the retail one for free mysql is setted on installation (if you didn't change it, it was blanc)...


If you don't get it work, then install back mysql, insert root as password, go into diskw/usr/local/mysql/data and copy the folder <l2jdb> and paste it to the data folder of the retail install @ Program Files, and do not use start.bat... But i still prefer diskw (php/mysql/apache, all in one).

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