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Teleport Help



12 answers to this question

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lol multisell for what? For being teleported? It's for exchanging not being teleported x.x


I answered you already i think dayhunter..


This row means:

Description of the teleport: (dino island)

ID of the teleport (it is used on the html to call the teleport to.... ID): (90000)

loc (x): (26475)

loc (y): (-12129)

loc (z): (-2419)

Price (in adena): (10000)

fornoble (is that a noblesse only teleport?): (0)


You have to use int values for the last one (that one you asked), one or zero, zero stands for FALSE, 1 for TRUE...

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Nope you don't get the point, he wants to change the ADENA USAGE, not THE AMMOUNT x.x


And wtf r u all talking about? :P The only way that some1 can do it by changing the XML is to change the exchange XMLs for the scrolls that teleport you to any town, which i don't find it useful x.x I have never seen on a server using the scrolls that you get by exchanging tokens for teleporting around, it is a way retarded :P

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CREATE TABLE teleport (

  Description varchar(75) default NULL,

  id decimal(11,0) NOT NULL default '0',

  loc_x decimal(9,0) default NULL,

  loc_y decimal(9,0) default NULL,

  loc_z decimal(9,0) default NULL,

  price decimal(6,0) default NULL,

  fornoble int(1) NOT NULL default '0',



this is wha are you talking about killer?

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lol dunno how .. u need multisell but it will not work .. so forget it


@thevortex What did you say that i didn't read?


@dayhunter Yes, but this is the sql command to request to make a table with the following columns and each column with these characteristics... The one you pasted here (first post) is a row from that table...

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