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I would like to find out, what "Fishing expertise" level do I have to have so that I would be able to get the greatest number of "Fish gems" (not shiny ones)..

I used google and I see l2wh.com but probabilities are for donators/uploaders only :/


Mayb u kno?

Mayb u can find?

Mayb u hav full access to l2wh?


Thank you for your help :)






First off, to start fishing you need to locate the Fishermen's Guild members, so far I've noticed

that they are all located in harbors and magic shops in towns.



[Fishing Rod]


First off you need a fishing rod, They vary in grade and price, also they need different

level of fishing shots. The difference between them is apparently that the amount of damage

you deal to the fish.



Baby Duck Rod  (NG):  36k

Albatross Rod  (D):  120k

Pelican Rod    ©:  480k

Kingfisher Rod (B):  1.44m

Cygnus Pole    (A):  4.8m

Triton Pole    (S):  12m




[The Lures]


Now about the lures, there are three different colors, Yellow, Green, Purple. All three

of them have three different grades, Low, Medium, High. The difference between grades is that the

higher grade has a slightly higher chance to pull up better fish, also the fish bite much


There are also three beginner lures. But they are a bit special -- they will show you which skill

to use (see [How to fish]) when you fish with them. The downside is that they seem to only pull up a

low type of fish. However, they are awesome to use if you're fishing for the first type; buy 20 or so

of 'em and try it. All fishing rods use the same lures, so at higher levels it will be cheaper

in the end to fish.



Green Colored Lure - For Beginners:  60a

Purple Colored Lure - For Beginners:  84a

Yellow Colored Lure - For Beginners:  72a

Green Colored Lure - Low Grade:      120a

Green Colored Lure - Medium Grade:    144a

Green Colored Lure - High Grade:      180a

Purple Colored Lure - Low Grade:      180a

Purple Colored Lure - Medium Grade:  216a

Purple Colored Lure - High Grade:    240a

Yellow Colored Lure - Low Grade:      144a

Yellow Colored Lure - Medium Grade:  180a

Yellow Colored Lure - High Grade:    216a


Lure Effects:


The lures are supposed to help you catch a particular type (ugly, nimble, or fat) of fish.

According to their descriptions, green is supposed to catch more nimble, yellow more ugly, and

purple more fat.  However, my own tests do not show this.


After trying 30 of each type of lure, I had the following successful fish catches:


Green: 54% Ugly, 31% Nimble, 15% Fat

Yellow: 41% Ugly, 9% Nimble, 50% Fat

Purple: 28% Ugly, 32% Nimble, 40% Fat





[Fishing Shots]


This is basically the same as soulshot, it doubles the damage given to the fish.

Be warned, if you do the wrong move to catch the fish (see [How to fish]), the fishing shot

doubles the healing given to the fish. I dont recommend spamming these as they should just

be used for hard-to-catch fish. You can't autospam them either. In any event if you got a

NG fishing rod you also need NG shots :). To obtain shots you need to do the quest

described at the bottom of this document ([Quest: Quest for Fishing Shot]).





You also need skills to fish, they don't require SP (Luckily) but they cost money.  You buy them

from the fishing guide NPC. Select "Please teach me to fish." in the menu and you get to

the skills.


To fish you need the 4 skills -- Fishing, Pumping, Reeling, and Fishing Expertise.


Fishing is an active skill, and level 1 is the only level.  The other three have many levels.






Fishing Expertise determines the color of the fish and level of monsters that you fish up.


Expertise    Fish


Level 1-3:  Green fish (Small, normal, Big)

Level 4-6:  Jade fish (Small, normal, Big)

Level 7-9:  Blue fish (Small, normal, Big)

Level 10-12: Yellow fish (Small, normal, Big)

Level 13-15: Orange fish (Small, normal, Big)

Level 16-18: Purple fish (Small, normal, Big)

Level 19-21: Red fish (Small, normal, Big)

Level 22-24: White fish (Small, normal, Big)

Level 25-27: Black Fish (Small, normal, Big)


So, for example, a Small Jade Ugly Fish is level 4 (as is a Small Jade Nimble fish, Small Jade

Fat fish, etc)

In general, about 50% of the fish that you catch will be at the level of your expertise, about

45% will be one level below, and about 5% will be one level above.  Rarely you may catch fish

that are 2 levels above or below.





Higher levels of Pumping and Reeling deal more damage to the fish each time you use the skill,

also the recharge timer seems to be a tiny bit faster for each level too.

Another thing to remember is never to have the Pumping and Reeling skill more than two levels

above Fishing expertise -- they get a 5% penalty (5% less damage dealt) per each level.






This is a table of how much adena it costs to level Fishing Expertise, Pumping, and Reeling.

For example, leveling Fishing Expertise from 4 to 5 requires 500a.  The third column is the

total cost to reach that level -- for example, to go from Pumping level 0 to Pumping level 8

would require 6,060a.



Level      Cost      Total cost


1          10a              10a

2          50a              60a

3          200a            260a

4          300a            560a

5          500a          1,060a

6          800a          1,860a

7        1,600a          3,460a

8        2,600a          6,060a

9        4,000a          10,060a

10        6,700a          16,760a

11        8,000a          24,760a

12      10,000a          34,760a

13      16,000a          50,760a

14      23,000a          73,760a

15      30,000a        103,760a

16      40,000a        143,760a

17      53,000a        196,760a

18      66,000a        262,760a

19      80,000a        345,760a

20      93,000a        438,760a

21      100,000a        538,760a

22      120,000a        658,760a

23      130,000a        788,760a

24      140,000a        928,760a

25      160,000a      1,088,760a

26      173,000a      1,261,760a


The Total cost for all skills are: 3,785,200a







By fishing you can also obtain new skills; to obtain them you need to fish and sell the reward

to the NPC.  To get these skills you need Proof of Catching a Fish, you get these by either

fishing them up or trading your common craft items for them.  See [POCF Rewards] below.


All skills except Expand Trade you can learn every 10 levels (lv 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70).


Expand Common Craft:

This expands the common recipe book by 6 slots per level, max 48 new slots.

Lv 1: 2000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 2: 4000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 3: 6000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 4: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 5: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 6: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 7: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 8: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed


Expand Storage:

Expand warehouse storage by 6 slots per lv, max 48 new slots.

Lv 1: 4000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 2: 8000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 3: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 4: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 5: 60,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 6: 60,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 7: 100,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 8: ??? Proof of catching a fish needed


Expand Inventory:

Expand the inventory by 6 slots per lv, max 48 new slots.

Lv 1: 4000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 2: 8000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 3: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 4: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 5: 60,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 6: 60,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 7: 100,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 8: ??? Proof of catching a fish needed


Expand Dwarven Craft:

(ONLY Dwarf classes, Mainly Warsmith, This skill is learned by your normal

skill trainer and not the fishing NPC)

Expand the Dwarven recipe book by 6 slots per level, max 48 new slots.

Lv 1: 2000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 2: 4000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 3: 6000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 4: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 5: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 6: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 7: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 8: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed


Expand Trade:

Expand the buy/sell slots in a private store by 1 per level, max 3 new slots.

Lv 1: 10,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 2: 20,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

Lv 3: 40,000 Proof of catching a fish needed

(Learned lv 40, 55, 65)




[How to fish]


It's quite easy to catch a fish, if you're a beginner I recommend that you use the beginner

lures as it will show an icon of the skill you need to use, it's quite fast to learn how to fish



You need to find a section of deep water (deep water would be any water that shows a breath meter

when you swim in it).  You'll need the following on your hotbar:  Fishing, Pumping, and Reeling.

If you did the fishing shot quest, you'll want them on your hotbar as well.  You probably also want

to hotkey your main weapon and some damage dealing skills for when you fish up a monster.


Stand on the shoreline and face the deep water.  Then you use the 'Fishing' Skill and your

character will start to fish.  You'll see a new window popup that shows your bobber.

Now whats left to do is to catch a fish with the Reeling and Pumping skill.


There are a few ways to notice what skill to use.  One of them is to look at the motion of the

bobber but this is a tricky way. I noticed that the best way is to look at the fish's HP and

ignore the rest:

* If the fish HP bar is standing still: Pumping

* If the fish HP bar is slightly regenerating itself: Reeling


If you use the correct skill, the fish will go down by a fixed amount of hit points.

However, if you use the wrong skill, the fish will instead gain that same amount of HP.

If you can get the fish's HP to 0 before the time runs out, you get the fish.


That's about all there is to it. It goes quite fast to learn to fish, maybe an hour or two and

you will find it very easy.




[Fishing Areas]


It doesn't matter where you fish.  The fish and monsters are totally dependent on your skill

and character levels.  Any deep water will do.





Remember that you can fish up monsters, but it's not as bad as it sounds. When you kill it

it seems to always drop something, either shots or the lure you used to fish it up :). But you

need to be ready to attack it, they can come any time when you fish up a fish.

The monster that spawns seems to depend on your character level; they seem to be green to yellow.






[POCF Rewards]


POCF = Proof of Catching a Fish.

Okay there are a few different rewards you can obtain by fishing. The items you obtain are

mainly mats for common crafting. But you can also get common crafting recipes, key items,

Proof of Catching a Fish, and monsters.


When you get a fish you can double click it to "open" it. There is about a 50% chance of failing

to open a fish ^^ remember that, if you ask me it seems somewhat high.  Most of the time you'll

get common craft materials, which can either be used in a common craft recipe or traded for POCF

at the fishing NPC.  Note that it's a good idea to make higher-level materials if you want to get

POCF -- for example, 4 Fish Oil (worth 4 POCF) can be made into a Greater Fish Oil (worth 5 POCF).




Fish Oil:          1 POCF

Greater Fish Oil:  5 POCF

Premium Fish Oil: 25 POCF

Fish Scale:        4 POCF

Shiny Fish Scale:  6 POCF

Fish Gem:        10 POCF

Shiny Fish Gem:  20 POCF

Thin Fish Bone:    6 POCF

Thick Fish Bone:  9 POCF





Here is a list of all different type of fish there are, and the rewards they can give. I'm gonna

need a lot of help on this here :) so plz submitt everything you found.



!!!Green Fishes!!!


Small Green Ugly Fish (lv 1): 100 HP



Small Green Nimble Fish (lv 1): 116 HP



Small Green Fat Fish (lv 1): 132 HP



Small Green Treasure Chest (lv 1): 132 HP



Green Ugly Fish (lv 2): 150 HP



Green Nimble Fish (lv 2): 168 HP



Green Fat Fish (lv 2): 188 HP



Green Treasure Chest (lv 2): 188 HP



Big Green Ugly Fish (lv 3): 208 HP

8 Fish Oil


Big Green Nimble Fish (lv 3): 230 HP

Fish Gem, 12 Fish Oil


Big Green Fat Fish (lv 3): 252 HP

12 Fish Oil, Thin Fish Bone


Big Green Tresure Chest (lv 3): 252 HP

24 Fish Oil



!!!Jade Fish!!!


Small Jade Ugly Fish (lv 4): 276 HP

8 Fish oil, 2 Fish Scale(s)


Small Jade Nimble Fish (lv 4): 300 HP

Fish Gem, 8 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil, 12 Fish Oil


Small Jade Fat fish (lv 4): 310 HP

Thin Fish bone, 12 Fish Oil


Small Jade Treasure chest (lv 4): 310 HP



Jade Ugly Fish (lv 5): 320 HP

16 Fish Oil


Jade Nimble Fish (lv 5): 330 HP

Fish Gem


Jade Fat Fish (lv 5): 340 HP

12 Fish Oil


Jade Treasure Chest (lv 5): 340 HP



Big Jade Ugly Fish (lv 6): 350 HP

16 fish oil, 4 fish scale


Big Jade Nimble Fish (lv 6): 360 HP

12 Fish Oil, 16 recipe: Greater Fish Oil (100%)


Big Jade Fat Fish (lv 6): 370 HP

12 Fish Oil, 2 Thin Fish Bone


Big Jade Treasure Chest (lv 6): 370 HP

24 Fish Oil



!!!Blue Fishes!!!


Small Blue Ugly Fish (lv 7): 380 HP

16 Fish Oil, 4 Fish Scale


Small Blue Nimble Fish (lv 7): 390 HP

12 Fish Oil, 2 Fish Gems, 16 rec. grater fish oil 100%


Small Blue Fat fish (lv 7): 400 HP

12 Fish Oil, 2 Thin Fish Bones


Small Blue Treasure Chest (lv 7): 400 HP

24 Fish Oil, 26 POCF


Blue Ugly Fish (lv 8): 410 HP

2 Greater Fish Oil, 4 Fish Scale, 10 Fish Oil, 4 Recipe: Premium Fish Oil (100%), Party Mask Fabric


Blue Nimble Fish (lv 8): 420 HP

Fish Gem, 14 Fish Oil, 16 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil, 4 greater fish oils, party mask fabric


Blue Fat fish (lv 8): 430 HP

16 Fish Oil, 4 Thin Fish Bone, 4 Greater Fish Oil


Blue Treasure Chest (lv 8): 430 HP

28 fish oils, 30 POCF, party mask fabric


Big Blue Ugly Fish (lv 9): 506 HP

2 Greater fish oil, 4 Fish Scale, 4 Recipe: Premium Fish Oil(100%), 10 Fish Oil


Big Blue Nimle Fish (lv 9): 518 HP

16 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil(100%), 2 Fish Gem, 4 Greater Fish Oil, 14 Fish Oil, party mask fabric


Big Blue Fat Fish (lv 9): 529 HP

4 Thin Fish Bone, 4 Greater Fish Oil, 16 Fish Oil


Big Blue Treasure Chest (lv 9): 529 HP

8 Greater Fish Oil, 28 Fish Oil, 30 Proof of Catching a Fish.




!!!Yellow Fishes!!!


Small Yellow Ugly Fish (lv 10): 541 HP

20 Fish Oil, 2 Greater Fish Oil.


Small Yellow Nimble Fish (lv 10): 552 HP

16 Recipe: Greater Fish Oil (100%), 14 Fish Oil, 2 Fish Gem


Small Yellow Fat Fish (lv 10): 564 HP

Party Mask Fabric, 16 Fish Oil


Small Yellow Treasure Chest (lv 10): 564 HP

28 Fish Oil


Yellow Ugly Fish (lv 11): 575 HP

4 grater fish oil, 20 fish oils, 4 fish scales, 4 rec. premium fish oil 100%, party mask fabric


Yellow Nimble Fish (lv 11): 587 HP

2 fish gems, 4 greater fish oils, 14 fish oils, 16 rec. grater fish oil 100%


Yellow Fat Fish (lv 11): 598 HP

4 thin fish boens, 16 fish oils, 4 thin fish bones, 4 grater fish oil, party mask fabric


Yellow Treasure Chest (lv 11): 598 HP

28 fish oil, 8 grater fish oil, 30 POCF


Big Yellow Ugly Fish (lv 12): 610 HP

20 fish oils, 4 grater fish oil, 4 rec. premium fish oil 100%, 4 fish scales


Big Yellow Nimble Fish (lv 12): 621 HP

16 rec. grater fish oil 100%, 4 greater fish oils, 14 fish oils, 2 fish gems, party mask fabric


Big Yellow Fat Fish (lv 12): 633 HP

4 greater fish oils, 16 fish oils, 4 thin fish bones, party mask fabric


Big Yellow Treasure Chest (lv 12): 633 HP

30 POCF, 14 grater fish oil, 56 fish oil




!!!Orange Fishes!!!


Small Orange Ugly Fish (lv 13): 644 HP

8 fish scales, 20 fish oils, 8 rec. premium fish oil 100%, party mask fabric, 4 greater fish oils, 4 Thin Fish Bone (?!)


Small Orange Nimble Fish (lv 13): 656 HP

2 fish gems, 16 rec. grater fish oil 100%, 4 grater fish oil, 28 fish oils


Small Orange Fat Fish (lv 13): 667 HP

4 grater fish oil, 32 fish oil, party mask fabric, 4 thin fish bones


Small Orange Treasure Chest (lv 13): 667 HP

56 fish oils


Orange Ugly Fish (lv 14): 679 HP

4 Greater Fish Oil, Premium Fish Oil


Orange Nimble Fish (lv 14): 690 HP

2 Shiny Fish Gem


Orange Fat Fish (lv 14): 702 HP

4 Thick Fish Bone, Piece of Forget-me-not Hairpin


Orange Treasure Chest (lv 14): 702 HP

3 Premium Fish Oil


Big Orange Ugly Fish (lv 15): 713 HP



Big Orange Nimble Fish (lv 15): 819 HP



Big Orange Fat Fish (lv 15): 832 HP

Premium Fish Oil


Big Orange Treasure Chest (lv 15): 832 HP




!!!Purple Fishes!!!


Small Purple Ugly Fish (lv 16): 845 HP



Small Purple Nimble Fish (lv 16): 858 HP



Small Purple Fat Fish (lv 16): 871 HP



Small Purple Treasure Chest (lv 16): 871 HP



Purple Ugly Fish (lv 17): 884 HP



Purple Nimble Fish (lv 17): 897 HP



Purple Fat Fish (lv 17): 910 HP



Purple Treasure Chest (lv 17): 910 HP



Big Purple Ugly Fish (lv 18): 923 HP



Big Purple Nimble Fish (lv 18): 936 HP



Big Purple Fat Fish (lv 18): 949 HP



Big Purple Treasure Chest (lv 18): 949 HP




!!!Red Fishes!!!


Small Red Ugly Fish (lv 19): 962 HP



Small Red Nimble Fish (lv 19): 1125 HP



Small Red Fat Fish (lv 19): 1140 HP



Small Red Treasure Chest (lv 19): 1140 HP

3 Premium Fish Oil


Red Ugly Fish (lv 20): 1155 HP

2 Premium Fish Oil, 8 Shiny Fish Scale


Red Nimble Fish (lv 20): 170 HP

2 Shiny Fish gem, 2 Premium Fish Oil


Red Fat Fish (lv 20): 1185 HP

8 Thick Fish Bone


Red Treasure Chest (lv 29): 1185 HP



Big Red Ugly Fish (lv 20): 1200 HP



Big Red Nimble Fish (lv 21): 1215 HP

Monocle Piece


Big Red Fat Fish (lv 21): 1230 HP

8 Thick Fish Bone


Big Red Treasure Chest (lv 21): 1230 HP




!!!White Fishes!!!


Small White Ugly Fish (lv 22): 1453 HP



Small White Nimble Fish (lv 22): 1470 HP



Small White Fat Fish (lv 22): 1488 HP



Small White Treasure Chest (lv 22): 1488 HP



White Ugly Fish (lv 23): 1505 HP



White Nimble Fish (lv 23): 1523 HP



White Fat Fish (lv 23): 1540 HP



White Treasure Chest (lv 23): 1540 HP



Big White Ugly Fish (lv 24): 1558 HP



Big White Nimble Fish (lv 24): 1575 HP



Big White Fat Fish (lv 24): 1593 HP



Big White Treasure Chest (lv 24): 1593 HP




!!!??? Fishes!!!


Small Black Ugly Fish (lv 25): 1610 HP



Small Black Nimble Fish (lv 25): 1628 HP



Small Black Fat Fish (lv 25): 1648 HP



Small Black Treasure Chest (lv 25): 1648 HP



Black Ugly Fish (lv 26): 1663 HP



Black Nimble Fish (lv 26): 1872 HP

Outlaw's Eye Patch Strap, 4 Shiny Fish Gem(s), 4 Premium Fish Oil(s)


Black Fat Fish (lv 26): 1892 HP

Pirate's Eye Patch Material, 8 Thick Fish Bone(s), Piece of Forget-me-not Hairpin


Black Treasure Chest (lv 26): 1892 HP

6 Premium Fish Oil(s)


Big Black Ugly Fish (lv 27): 1911 HP



Big Black Nimble Fish (lv 27): 1931 HP

Outlaw's Eye Patch Strap, Piece of Daisy Hairpin, Monocle Piece, 4 Premium Fish Oil(s)


Big Black Fat Fish (lv 27): 1950 HP

2 Piece of Forget-me-not Hairpin(s)


Big Black Treasure Chest (lv 27): 1950 HP

6 Premium Fish Oil(s)




[Common Crafting]


Common crafting skill is learned automatically as soon as you get to that level. It works almost

identicaly to the dwarven craft skill.  All classes get this crafting skill, and the recipe book

for common craft begins with 50 slots. You can increase it as described in [skills] above.


Skill lv: Char Lv

1          5

2        20

3        28

4        36

5        43

6        49

7        55

8        62

9        70



[Common Crafting Recipes]



Recipe: Greater Fish Oil (100%)

Lv 2: 75 MP

1x Greater Fish Oil

* 4 Fish Oil


Recipe: Premium Fish Oil (100%)

Lv 3: 99 MP

1x Premium Fish Oil

* 4 Greater Fish Oil


Recipe: Lesser Healing Potion (100%)

Lv 1: 30 MP

1x Lesser Healing Potion

* 2 Fish Oil


Recipe: Healing Potion (100%)

Lv 2: 90 MP

1x Healing Potion

* 2 Fish Oil

* 1 Fish Scale


Recipe: Antidote (100%)

Lv 1: 45 MP

1x Antidote

* 2 Fish Oil


Recipe: Greater Antidote (100%)

Lv 2: 90 MP

1x Greater Antidote

* 3 Fish Oil


Recipe: Bandage (100%)

Lv 1: 45 MP

1x Bandage

* 2 Fish Oil


Recipe: Emergency Dressing (100%)

Lv 1: 90 MP

1x Emergency Dressing

* 3 Fish Oil


Recipe: Haste Potion (100%)

Lv 1: 60 MP

1x Haste Porion

* 4 Fish Oil

* 4 Fish Scale


Recipe: Greater Haste Potion (100%)

Lv 3: 120 MP

1x Greater Haste Potion

* 4 Greater Fish Oil

* 7 Fish Scale


Recipe: Potion of Alacrity (100%)

Lv 1: 60 MP

1x Potion of Alacrity

* 5 Fish Oil

* 9 Fish Scale


Recipe: Greater Swift Attack Potion (100%)

Lv 3: 120 MP

1x Greater Swift Attack Potion

* 10 Greater Fish Oil

* 12 Fish Scale.


Recipe: Magic Haste Potion (100%)

Lv 1: 60 MP

1x Magic Haste Potion

* 10 Fish Oil

* 7 Fish Scale


Recipe: Greater Magic Haste Potion (100%)

Lv 3: 120 MP

1x Greater Magic Haste Potion

* 10 Greater Fish Oil

* 12 Fish Scale


Recipe: Mystery Potion (100%)

Lv 2: 96 MP

1x Myster Potion

* Recipe: Mystery Potion (100%)

* 10 Greater Fish Oil

* 28 Fish Scale


Recipe: Cat Ear (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Cat Ear

* Recipe: Cat Ear (100%)

* 20 Cat Ear Fabric

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Outlaw's Eyepatch (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Outlaw's Eyepatch

* Recipe: Outlaw's Eyepatch (100%)

* 20 Outlaw's Eyepatch Strap

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Eyepatch of Pirate (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Eyepatch of Pirate

* Recipe: Eyepatch of Pirate (100%)

* 20 Eyepatch of Pirate Strap

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Daisy Hairpin (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Daisy Hairpin

* Recipe: Daisy Hairpin (100%)

* 20 Piece of Daisy Hairpin

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Forget-me-not Hairpin (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Forget-me-not Hairpin

* Recipe: Forget-me-not Hairpin (100%)

* 20 Piece of Forget-me-not Hairpin

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Lady's Hair Pin (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Lady's Hair Pin

* Recipe: Lady's Hair Pin (100%)

* 20 Hair Pin Piece

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Maiden's Hairpin (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Maiden's Hairpin

* Recipe: Maiden's Hairpin (100%)

* 20 Maiden's Hairpin piece

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Monocle (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Monocle

* Recipe: Monocle (100%)

* 20 Monocle Piece

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Party Mask (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Party Mask

* Recipe: Party Mask (100%)

* 20 Party Mask Fabric

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Rabbit Ear (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Rabbit Ear

* Recipe: Rabbit Ear (100%)

* 20 Rabbit Ear Fabric

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem


Recipe: Raccoon Ear (100%)

Lv 4: 138 MP

1x Raccoon Ear

* Recipe: Raccoon Ear (100%)

* 20 Raccoon Ear Fabric

* 300 Fish Gem

* 150 Shiny Fish Gem



[Collecter recipes]


Remmeber for each Dye down here you need the correct recipe, just collected them togeter.


Recipe: Facelifting Potion - A, B or C (100%)

Lv 3:

1x Facelifting Potion A,B or C

* Recipe: Facelifting Potion A, B or C (100%)

* 6 Greater Fish Oil

* 50 Fish Scale

* 15 Shiny Fish Scale


Recipe: Dye Potion - A, B, C or D (100%)

Lv 3:

1x Dye Potion  A, B, C or D

* Recipe: Dye Potion - A, B, C or D (100%)

* 6 Greater Fish Oil

* 50 Fish Scale

* 15 Shiny Fish Scale


Recipe: Hair Style Change Potion - A, B, C, D, E, F or G (100%)

Lv 3:

1x Hair Style Change Potion - A, B, C, D, E, F or G

* Recipe: Hair Style Change Potion - A, B, C, D, E, F or G (100%)

* 6 Greater Fish Oil

* 50 Fish Scale

* 15 Shiny Fish Scale





All dyes got the very same crafting mats depending on what + - it is.

You still need the correct recipe to craft it.


Recipe: Recipe Dye of +1 x -1 y (100)

Lv 4:

1x Dye of +1 x -1 y

* Recipe Dye of +1 x -1 y (100)

* 10 Greater Fish Oil

* 70 Thin Fish Bone

* 10 Thick Fish Bone


Recipe: Recipe Greater Dye of +1 x -1 y (100)

Lv 4:

1x Greater Dye of +1 x -1 y

* Recipe Greater Dye of +1 x -1 y (100)

* 5 Premium Fish Oil

* 90 Thin Fish Bone

* 15 Thick Fish Bone


Recipe: Recipe Greater Dye of +2 x -2 y (100)

Lv 5:

1x Greater Dye of +2 x -2 y

* Recipe Greater Dye of +2 x -2 y (100)

* 7 Premium Fish Oil

* 98 Thin Fish Bone

* 22 Thick Fish Bone


Recipe: Recipe Greater Dye of +3 x -3 y (100)

Lv 5:

1x Greater Dye of +3 x -3 y

* Recipe Greater Dye of +3 x -3 y (100)

* 12 Premium Fish Oil

* 130 Thin Fish Bone

* 40 Thick Fish Bone


Recipe: Recipe Greater Dye of +4 x -4 y (100)

Lv 6:

1x Greater Dye of +4 x -4 y

* Recipe Greater Dye of +4 x -4 y (100)

* 16 Premium Fish Oil

* 230 Thin Fish Bone

* 60 Thick Fish Bone




[Quest: Quest for Fishing Shot]


Okay this quest is probobly the only one ingame that can be done from lv 1 to level 78.

It's a quest you probobly should have on all the time, as there are a very large number of

monsters you can hunt. I will list all regions and the monsters there you can hunt,

and will also list the rewards. The rewards are fishing shots of different grades.

The item these monsters drop is Sweet Fluid. It seems to drop quite rarely thoght.


Shots per Sweet Fluid:

NG: 66

D:  40

C:  28

B:  8

A:  5

S:  4


The monsters that drop them:


Talkin Island: Elder Keltirs, Wolves, Orc Grunts, Warewolves, Stone Golems, Talon Spiders,

Skeleton Archers, Silent Horrors, Undine Nobles


Elven Land: Elder red Keltirs, Gray Wolves, Kaboo Orc Grunts, Kaboo Orc Figters, Dryads,

Hook Spiders, Liren Elders, Dungeon Skeleton Archers, Dark Terrors, Sukar Warerat Leaders


Dark Elven Land: Elder Brown, Keltirs, Ashen wolves, Imp Elders, Balor Fighters, Festering bat,

Lesser Dark horrors, Archrid Trackers, Cave bats, Cave Fangs, Spider, Stink Zombies


Orc Land: Elder praire keltirs, Kasha Wolves, Rakeclaw imp hunters, Maraku warewolves,

Gravestone golems, kasha fang spiders, kasha imp, Grave keepers, Undead slaves


Dwarven Land: Elder longtail keltirs, Black Wolves, Utuku orc Grunts, Goblin brigand lieutants,

Goblin lords, Hunter tarantulas, Northern trimedens, Darkstone golems, Boogie ratmen,

Pitchstone Golems.


Windmill Hill: Lang Lizardmen wariors, Vuku Orc Fighters, Archnid Predators


Lang Lizardman Dwelling: Lang Lizardman sentinels, Lang Lizardman liutenants,

Lang Lizardman shamans, Lang Lizardman leaders.


Wasteland: Lesser basilisk, Androscprpics, Androscorpio Hunter, Cave Ants, Ant Captains,

Granit Golems, Punchers, Ant Warior Captains.


Windy Hill: Sobbing Winds, Babbling winds, Giggling winds, Shining Winds, Whispering Winds.


Ant Nest: Ants, Ant overseers, Ant patrols, Ant recruits, Noble ants


Ant Icubator?: Cave Ants, Cave Ant soldiers, Cave noble ants


Windawood Manor: ol Mahum guards, Ol mahum reserves, Ol mahum shooters, Ol Mahum Captains.


Cruma Marslands: Giant mist leeches, Horor mist rippers, Marsh stakatos, Marsh stakato worker,

Marsh stakato soilders, Marsh stakato Drones.


Floran Agriculural Area: Plain Watchmen, Rough hewn rock golems, Delu lizardman suppliers,

Delu Lizardman special agents, Cursed seers, Delu Lizardman commanders, Delu lizardman shamans.


Tanor Canyon: Tanor Silenos Wariors, Tanor Silenos grunts, Tanor silenos, Nightmare lords,

Nightmare keepers, Tanor Silenos chiftains, Tanor silenos shamans.


Breka's Stronghold: Breka Orcs, Breka Orc archers, Breka Orc wariors, Breka Orc Shamans,

Breka orc overlords


Death Pass: Wyrms, Guardian basilisk, Road scavengers, Fettered souls, Windus, Grandis


Devil's Isle: Zaken's Archers, Mardians, Pirate zombies, Tanted ogres, Fiend Archers,

Zaken's royal guard, Pirate Zombie Captains, Vale Masters, Unpleasant Hummings.


..... (More to Come)




[Quest: Lanosco's Special Bait]



Lv 27 quest, starts at Fisherman Lanosco in Dion.


As for the quest in Dion, I completed it this morning. When you get 100 wind essences, the NPC

will give you 4 wind lures (icon is broken btw). When you use these lures, treasure chests will

bite on your line. You need to get one big blue treasure chest (fish around Gludio). Once you

get a big blue chest, return to the NPC, and he gives you a golem blueprint. You have to take

that blueprint to blacksmith in Dion. She rewards you and ends the quest (reward : Black pearl

ring (D grade)). Your fishing skill has to be lvl 9 for best results.

Credit goes to Darkmotion for the quest guide.




[Quest: O'Fulle's Special Bait]

Lv 36 quest, start at Fisherman O'Fulle in Giran.

More to come



[Quest: Willie's Special Bait]

Lv 48 quest, start at Fisherman Wille in Oren.

More to come



[Quest: Linnaeus' Special Bait]

Lv 60 quest, start at Fisherman Linnaeus in Aden.

More to come



[Quest: Chest Caught by Bait of Wind]

Lv 27 quest, start at Fisherman Lanosco in Dion.

More to Come


[Quest: Chest Caught by Bait of Icy Air]

Lv 36 quest, start at Fisherman O'Fulle in Giran.

More to come



[Quest: Chest Caught by Bait of Earth]

Lv 48 quest, start at Fisherman Wille in Oren.

More to come



[Quest: Chest Caught by Bait of Fire]

Lv 61 quest, start at Fisherman Linnaeus in Aden.

More to come

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

It's l2.pmfun. Glad I helped, everyone else * off. I hate you.


Very Rude ** ;D


btw, very helpfull !!


your karma will be again 0 ==> this is a gift from Me ;D

  • 3 months later...

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