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Titan energy v3.....Silence skill...

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he speaks about the pack LOOOOL!

and he is wrong section someone mod move it


|-+  Lineage II Development English Section» [General] Lineage II Develop [L2J]» Titan energy v3.....Silence skill...

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You are 3rd class or you are using mental shield :P


Go to skill 1064 and increase the power, or decrease the power of the ressist skills...


Btw, if you are speaking for an NPC, then you should view his ressists and of course be sure that you haven't added silence to the config files, as a skill that raid bosses ressist, as it may be used on all mobs (it is bugged :P).

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You are 3rd class or you are using mental shield :P


Go to skill 1064 and increase the power, or decrease the power of the ressist skills...


Btw, if you are speaking for an NPC, then you should view his ressists and of course be sure that you haven't added silence to the config files, as a skill that raid bosses ressist, as it may be used on all mobs (it is bugged :P).

I don't get it 3rd classes cant get silenced ? and i tried to silence an imp...and it dosen't land...Btw where is that config file you are talking about ? (its name ) ..thx ahead.

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1) 3rd class has ressist skill, the chance to land is 1/5 on 3rd class players

2)??? I'm talking for skill 1064, so it is on 1000-1099 x.x

Oh yeah sorry I know what you talking about thx...but in the config file what is the option that makes the resist?

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There is no config file option for ressist...


The only config option that exists is if you want, you can make raid bosses untouchable by some skills, like silence etc, but this system is bugged, so you shouldn't touch, otherwise all mobs are going to ressist those skills!

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