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L2Extreme Is UP Again !!!


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Well, As the title Say : L2EXTREME IS BACK !!!!!!




How to play :


For first you must be registered with a VALID email adress (they sent you the activation key of your account)

Register : *Here*


well, after the registration you need to have a c4 client + the l2xtreme patch.

Patch : *Here*


After you Doing all, GO here : *Click* For to register a Game Account.


Well, Now you are Ready.

Put the Updater In your Lineage2 C4 folder...run It, Let him to update your C4 client....and Have a FUN.


P.s. I can Play In that server With Windows VISTA without any Core or Hguard Dll 's xD


Lineage II Chronicle 4! 4 worlds to Choose from 2 High Rate, 2 Low Rate, Rideable Striders/Wyverns, Hero (Quests-Weapons-Skills), Raid Bosses, Over 4000+ ONLINE!


For Now Only Titan and Staris are On-line.


Titan 35x

Staris 7x


Join Now !!! ;D

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No, l2x was lost forever, all old members quitted l2, went to l2ultimate, on l2exile, or even just said <<Some people are trying to get the old fame, but no chance for them>>. I will never join again, even now that seems that the reborn of l2x is closer than ever (they are planning to run kastein, or kastien, call it as you wish :P on C1 modded to C3 with C4 client, like THE OLD GOOD DAGGER/SPS PWNZORED TIMES ^^ Yihaaaa, killer da spellhowler was there :'( )


Maybe, if i see that kastien is back on C3 modded, i will join just to check if any of my old friends are back...

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Ok cuz i got some pm on how to play on extreme if u take a look on the web in the right there is L2X C4 Patch down from LOGIN u can press to mirror 1 and down register xD i dont say names for the ppl that could connect cuz maybe they feel unconfortable i could send it on pm but i did it for other guys who wont find it too

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