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[Guide]The basiC Weapons that u'll use on simple maps,like de_inferno!

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Yo,waza?Long time no see?Actually i missed 1 day from cs section and i am now baCk with a totally new share about you..wich includes even videos...So,sit relaxing and watch this guide about how to play good with The most important weapons of the game..The most important..RIFLES..



Manufacturer: Kalashnikov

Cost: $2500

Ammo Per Clip/Ammo Held in Weapon: 30 rounds

Max Reserved Ammo: 90 Rounds

Special Weapon Function: None

Power: High

Range: Medium

Accuracy: High (Bursts)/Low (Full Auto)

Ammo: 7.62mm slugs (30-round mags)

Reload speed: Slow-Medium

Cyclic rate: High


Kalashnikov is a mordor weapon,cause from near2near it kills..and shot headshotzZ..Maybe it is innacured in the place of other rifles but if u aim the enemy on teh chest you will earn a headshotzZ kill..This weapon is the best choise for terrorist in small maps Like pool_day



Manufacturer: SIG

Cost: $3500

Ammo Per Clip/Ammo Held in Weapon: 30 rounds

Max Reserved Ammo: 90 Rounds

Special Weapon Function: 2x zoom

Power: High

Range: Very long

Accuracy: Medium (Bursts)/Low (Full Auto)

Ammo: 5.56mm slugs (30-round mags)

Reload speed: Slow

Cyclic rate: High


This weapon is one of the best choise for terrorist in maps like iceworld or fy_snow..It can zoOm and if you go in burst fire mode and NOT AUTOMATICALY you can easily pwn your enemy bcause you will have totally full control of your aim



Manufacturer: Colt

Cost: $3100

Ammo Per Clip/Ammo Held in Weapon: 30 rounds

Max Reserved Ammo: 90 Rounds

Special Weapon Function: Attach/Detach Silencer

Power: High

Range: Medium

Accuracy: Medium

Ammo: 5.56mm slugs (30-round mags)

Reload speed: Medium

Cyclic rate: High


This weapon,that you will see most players using it,is one of THE BEST weapons in cs..It has great accurassy and doing very good damage as well..If you do the silencer ur damage will be decreased but it will still remain weapon-top



Manufacturer: Steyr

Cost: $3500

Ammo Per Clip/Ammo Held in Weapon: 30 rounds

Max Reserved Ammo: 90 Rounds

Special Weapon Function: 1.4x zoom

Power: High

Range: High

Accuracy: High-Medium (Bursts)/Low-Medium (Full Auto)

Ammo: 5.56mm slugs (30-round mags)

Reload speed: Medium

Cyclic rate: High


Okay,this weapon is the best choise for long rate batles cause it is absolutely DEADLY.Causing Great damage to the enemy + the zoum thats why you should use it in long-rage attacks..


In this video you will see how to have the correct "movement"



If you didn't understand something about what i was doing on the video i will explain you here how to be a good rifle man on maps like de_inferno..


1)Always small aim

2)Always jump when u are getting out of something or grudge..This make you stronger and gives you more evasion

3)Always the aim aims on the heigh of one head

4)Always doing fast moves when we see the enemy..


That's how you should play with rifles ;)...They have been made to make our life easier :)


Don't forgett to drop a THNX!

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Mmm this guide in only for newbies.I don't really understand its meaning :S. Anyway thanks.


Me neither..And about the walking style in the video..  :-\

It's each person's choose how he walks, and many people (like me) walk with slow move...You can hear the sounds too..

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InfecteD[™" post=514027" timestamp="1247693725]

Me neither..And about the walking style in the video..  :-\

It's each person's choose how he walks, and many people (like me) walk with slow move...You can hear the sounds too..

I Do always play with out of mics...Anyway i give ya a guide for a good play-style and information of every rifle so you can choose for the map u playing
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I Do always play with out of mics...Anyway i give ya a guide for a good play-style and information of every rifle so you can choose for the map u playing


Sorry but no sound + good playing = It doesn't exist in my opinion. ;)

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This is no guide for how to play but definition of the weapons abilities.. There is no guide in it just a small part thats supposed to be a guide which is named " What Weapons to play with on de_inforno" are you serious ? It's like you're saying  you can't play with AWP on the map?  And what does " always make fast moves when you see enemy" supposed to mean  you mean have reflex? That proves that you are making as i previously said "common sense guides" or maybe you're just saying hey dudes don't panic if you see an enemy shoot him instead...

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