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[SHARE] Stefoulis15 Legend System!

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Looks nice thanks for share.


I was wondering if you also know how to make the Legend have a glow, much like a hero glow or some abnormal glow (from the abnormal list of gm you know?) I would be very grateful if either you or someone could explain me how to make that :)

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nice.. i wish more ppl would release java shares and dev on l2j bugs maybe.. instead of all this paint jobs =P

no its ok. i mean , that kind of things here are not appreciated.so theres no point of sharing them here.

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hehe, yeah i get you lol and for some reason i keep forgeting im on  hacker forums.. but what i meant is the bugs that need to be fixed, in order for l2j to be retail like.. forget all profitable bugs.. i mean retail stuff you know. =)


anyway gl with your mods ;)

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