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[GR]no-lifers? olos o kosmos xezete otan akouei gia satanistes kai esi les no-lifers?


kala akouste ta erotika sas eseis emena mou eipan exthes tin istoria kai tin egrapsa. kai an sas aresei.

esy t les mousiki auto to pragma??? egw pantos oxi !  k dn akouw oute erotika, oute ellinika oute giftika...akouw rock...kommatia pou mporeis na ma8eis stn ki8ara na ta tragoudiseis na pas se mia sinaulia k na mporeis na tragoudas mazi ts k oxi na 3ernas panw sta mikrofona.


esy t les mousiki auto to pragma??? egw pantos oxi !  k dn akouw oute erotika, oute ellinika oute giftika...akouw rock...kommatia pou mporeis na ma8eis stn ki8ara na ta tragoudiseis na pas se mia sinaulia k na mporeis na tragoudas mazi ts k oxi na 3ernas panw sta mikrofona.

giati ta rock den einai erotika? ta perissotera toulaxisto


giati ta rock den einai erotika? ta perissotera toulaxisto

egw prosopika erotika akouw otan paizei fasi me gkomena 'h exw fasi apogoiteusi!! Genika omos akouw Punk-rock...Akouw k metal alla liga ...k dn asxoloume k poly...Emena me ekfrazoun poly oi green day!!!! k gia auto eimai fanatikos fan tou!!! o ka8enas me ta gousta tous...Esena s'aresoun autoi emena oi Green day ston allon o kiamos klp klp :P


Such human should not even be mentioned in here. Realy man. The more i read ur posts the worst idea i see of u. U know what. If u idolise this man then all i can say is that i am sorry for u. U think that by posting here stupid pieces of crap will make us respect u?? Realy now i am realy mad. Believe in God before its to late..... This man is burning in hell now.


God is the only thing that u MUST believe in. When u feel alone and that u are helpless u will never feel alone cause u know that he is with u.


There have been times that i doubted God myself but then i realised that it was the biggest mistake i have even done.


And satanism is not an official religion so ppl can say whatever they want. But when it comes to Christianity things change...




Such human should not even be mentioned in here. Realy man. The more i read ur posts the worst idea i see of u. U know what. If u idolise this man then all i can say is that i am sorry for u. U think that by posting here stupid pieces of crap will make us respect u?? Realy now i am realy mad. Believe in God before its to late..... This man is burning in hell now.


God is the only thing that u MUST believe in. When u feel alone and that u are helpless u will never feel alone cause u know that he is with u.


There have been times that i doubted God myself but then i realised that it was the biggest mistake i have even done.


And satanism is not an official religion so ppl can say whatever they want. But when it comes to Christianity things change...



you think your god is stronger than Master Satan? why doesnt he prove it? the evil is currently much more than the good in the world.


you think your god is stronger than Master Satan? why doesnt he prove it? the evil is currently much more than the good in the world.

opa opa!! 3efeugete!! 3ekinisame na milame gia tin mousiki k tr lete gia ton 9eo k ton satana? eleos...meinete on-topic allios na ginei lock.


giati ta rock den einai erotika? ta perissotera toulaxisto


[GR] Εδώ έχεις άδικο. Υπονοείς κάτι για την Rock μουσική δηλαδή?


Anyway, to be honest, I was reading this story again. (I've already did it on google.com before some weeks) I have nothing to say, this man was following his master. He has different thoughts than the most of you (and me maybe) but why you critise him? Because he is like a demon? He is wearing black clothes, his eyes are black, he has a sword on his hand, generally he is a BLACK METAL guy, SO WHAT? What's the problem people? Because he is different? Because he is awful to your eyes?


you think your god is stronger than Master Satan? why doesnt he prove it? the evil is currently much more than the good in the world.


1)There are retards that do believe in No-Named..And why u call him master?

2)Christianism are the religion that most peoble believe in..(i think)

3)I am sorry for u..


First of all u will only mention God with CAPS and only!!! Enough blasphemies we have seen today.... U thing that God doesnt prove his existence? Every little good thing that happens prooves him. I have felt very bad months ago and i said to myself for the first time that i should pray and things got realy better. U think God doesnt hear u when u speak? He even knows we are having this conversation. U can thing anything u want about good and evil but just so u know good always beats the evil. ALLWAYS....


Also i will show no respect for u whatsoever and if i see any more posts like this i will request a permabann for life.


Oh God you fucked it up again. That was the end. I lock this topic to avoid wars and spam. Devon thanks for info but as you can see no one can discuss things that are different from his thoughs. So keep believing in your God and keep this opinion about Satan and hate Satanists.




I prefer to die that listening that sick monsters , because they are not humans for sure.


[GR] Alla ntax dn mporw na pw auta einai apopseis.. an tin vriskeis me auta k kaneis kefi ... me geia k xara s! Pantws mono apo tis fotografies fenete oti einai tragikoi... k karnavaloi..


you think your god is stronger than Master Satan? why doesnt he prove it? the evil is currently much more than the good in the world.


egw to pa na mn kanete poli hlio8erapeia 8a sas peiraksei kamia mera ^_-


Dn antexa na mn kanw reply sovara...


re-main locked.

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