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why he should spend his time for made a ss like that with photoshop to proove as that graciafinal is a crap???we know it without  images etc....

C4-C5 FTW, No auguments skills,no dynasties,vesper etc armors NO NO NO NO!!!


there are bugs in gracia as there are in interlude, C4, C5, Hellbound and all chronicles. there isnt a computer game without bugs


pacman :p

and btw nice image... i've already tryed ct2.3 and removed 1 hour later.

Int for live <3


you guys are fucking stupid. really? this is the only major bug you found? and it's not like this affects gameplay AT ALL.


all you interlude fanboys need to realize that there are really decent gracia final servers out there. there's maybe 1 or 2 interlude servers that have actually managed to put a lot of missing content back on compared to other ones, but the majority are from dead forks like archid and such and the admins barely know what they're doing.


this isn't epic fail. this is a minor glitch at most. whoopdeedo.



OMG why is this epic fail????Because the armor has wrong color??SO WHAT..this doenst mean that the server sucks because i have palyed in that server and it rocks really rocks..and second this has nothing to do with gracia final u dont see these things in every gracia final..There is a small problem ok so??u realy need to flame the server and gracia client??I dont think s~!!!And interlude is not better than the newest clients..Interlude now is ancient history so its time to move on to new better clients!!!!!!!

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