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Help plix (need Server Pack

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Hey can someone give me a server pack where i only have to start Start.bat Auth.bat GameServer.bat


Special adds i hope you guys can give:


Dual Zariche


Dusk Sword

"  "  Shield

"  "  Staff

Gm Ghost Fists

Infinity Dual weps

GM Dual Blade

GM Dual Cleaver

GM Dual Axe

GM Dual Rod

GM Dual Crusher

GM Dual Scepter

GM Dual Stinger

GM Dual Bow

GM Dual Spear

GM Power

GM Greater Power

GM Supreme Power

Monster Only weps



Starwars Weps

Custom Armors




GM Shop No grade to B Grade

Gm Shop A grade

Gm Shop All in one

AIO Buffer ( with Buff Chant Dance Song 2 hour time or more) FREE + CP Heal +Heal +Mp Heal

Luxury GK

Class Changer



Other shit :D :


Olympiad system

Anty lag System (if someone can make it)

Raid Bosses (+ low level)


And make a guide if its with ip or something thnks :D

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lol man why dont u find this files and add them on a serverpack ??


he might don't know or he thinks it's boring or he is noob


Dudes i really dont know how to add shit and i cant find it anywhere how i can change shit (guide) i really want to do it myself im not to n00b for that actually i wanted to create my own items but i dont know how if some1 could give me guides and shit or a server pack i would be very happy...

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Dual Zariche


Dusk Sword

"   "  Shield

"   "  Staff

Gm Ghost Fists

Infinity Dual weps

GM Dual Blade

GM Dual Cleaver

GM Dual Axe

GM Dual Rod

GM Dual Crusher

GM Dual Scepter

GM Dual Stinger

GM Dual Bow

GM Dual Spear

GM Power

GM Greater Power

GM Supreme Power


Exist in C5 one, if you wish interlude do it alone...


Monster Only weps


It's default x.x



Starwars Weps

Custom Armors


Add them alone...

Just copy paste another entry and change the ID and the name, THERE ARE GUIDES




GM Shop No grade to B Grade

Gm Shop A grade

Gm Shop All in one

AIO Buffer ( with Buff Chant Dance Song 2 hour time or more) FREE + CP Heal +Heal +Mp Heal

Luxury GK

Class Changer





You can add the options alone

X.x? Exists..

It's an option x.x


Other shit  :


Olympiad system

Anty lag System (if someone can make it)

Raid Bosses (+ low level)


Exists by default 2 years by now...

Holy sh1t...?




Hey can someone give me a server pack where i only have to start Start.bat Auth.bat GameServer.bat



Diskw & 2 .bat files that will redirect to the files inside the diskw folder to load the programs...



WE-ARE-HERE-TO-HELP not to serve :)

My post is a post of help (i mean this one) and i give you simple ways to do that

If you cannot do it, nobody is in duty bound!


(If you had AT LEAST posted in the correct section and with a correct title, some1 may had helped you more...)



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