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Grigoro Augment , gia tempelides -{L2Phx}-


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Auto to topic einai gia autous p varethikan na pernane LS mexri na petixoun to skill p theloun . ;D

( An exei ksanaginei post lipame , epsaksa alla dn vrika kati sxetiko vevaia mporei na min to epsaksa sosta ;p )



Loipon as ksekinisoume( einai se periptosi p exete idi augment sto oplo , k einai pio eukolo!! ) :

Anoigoume to l2phx k to L2.exe

  Pame sto NPC pou kanei augment

Patame sto Remove Augmentation gia na to afairesoume vazoume to oplo ( dn patame comfirm akoma!!! ) .

  Meta pigenoume fisika sto L2phx kai markaroume na doume mono ta portokali paketa( sto sniffer einai kati portokali velakia )

Pigainoume sto l2 k tora patame comfirm gia remove tou augment .

  Antigrafoume ta paketa  apo to sniffer mas k ta kanoume epikolisi sto sending.

Meta ksanagirname sto l2 kai sto NPC patame gia Augment ...Vazoume oplo / ls / gems

 alt+tab gia na pame l2phx katharizoume to sniffing gia akoma mia fora , meta sto parathiro tou l2 k patame na ginei to augment!!

Pernoume ta paketa k ta vazoume kato apo ta proigoumena p valame ( gia remove)


p.x. : 8f 7a 54 61 00 00 01..... <~~ remove

       9d 76 76 98 18 54 38 98 95 64 65 65 00....  <~~ Add augment



Kai eisaste etoimoi!! Patame Send k amesos amesos exete allo augment !!!


PROSOXI:Min stelnete sinexeia paketa gt mporei na petixate to augment p thelate k na to xasete ;p

Opote na koitate ti sas etoixe se kathe sas send!!


Credits to invidel

Ego ekana tin metafrasi :)


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pianei kai sto interlude? gt kathe fora p vgazeis tin ls prepei na grapseis new packet gia tin kainourgia nomizw.. den einai stackable item opws apo to hellbound k meta

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Nomizo auto einai gia poio eksikiomena atoma me to phx ;p

An k kanoun to idio pragma mono p to diko s dn xreiazete to npc epidi exeis idi ta packets sosta ; ^^

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pl klo an k to diko m phx  dn dixnei auta ta portokali velakia aploc m leaei ta kanonika onomata... an mporeic e3igice ligo klitera auto p lec gia ta velakia k to posts c  8a htan teleio...

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    • thats 26_21... i have it and 26_19... only 26_20 missing is the town arcan part
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    • Hello everyone,   We're shifting our focus away from implementing as much as possible from the Essence gameplay. Instead, the server will now be Interlude, but using the Essence client.   This should be good news for everyone.   The Beta phase will most likely take place in November, with the grand opening to follow shortly after.   Cheers!
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