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Aion-Extreme OPEN BETA ! (first aion private server)

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i have never heard about that online game :o just only that this game are only in chinese... if some1 can me explain or give me some infos i would be Glad :D and i would be more glad if some1 can give me some links to download this 1 btw thx ;D


EDIT: This game Is from ncsoft right?

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damn..i get stuck with chinese client too...what i must do?maybe is better to wait when we'll be able to connect with the english client :(


i didnt the full update..i am doing now..i'll report if i can log in game:)


edit:i'll wait when server will be updated to english client..i mean i'll join when we'll be able to connect with english client...gz for server anywya:)

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