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[GUIDE/FAQ]WoW Starting Guide+F.A.Q. For Newbies and Novices by Noble

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protection paladin relies on hammer of justice too :D :) which is @ 20 sec CD

what i give is a small summary


about  70lvl heroics i got to say only this : "NONE will take a 70 lvl char on such runs,especially when they DEMAND link achievements,gear,armory etc" you might find some but you ll be kicked instantly when they get another


my main concern is to introduce the average player gaming/thoughts and not the one that should be touching the perfection on normal gaming! :D  

as for pets rumor has it they will change when they get them . waiting to confirm and edit topiic

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+1 karma man you worth it is a really good post  :) :) :) :) :)

he already got it at 2009 GOD

oh yes oh yes


+1 karma ofc!


karma fixed.

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