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[L2J]New No Donate Server On L2mafia.gr Network.


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Ye l2mafia is notorious. Gerero, lets say you are a gm, you got big community you know many problems of many ppl so because they are many you recall them 1-1 not all in 1 day but you DO help them, well they do nothing they dont solve any1s problem. I know ppl who paid and wait up to 3 months for their items, this is gm support? You have a server and You have to help the ppl who support you. You can't be irresponsible. - end

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Ye l2mafia is notorious. Gerero, lets say you are a gm, you got big community you know many problems of many ppl so because they are many you recall them 1-1 not all in 1 day but you DO help them, well they do nothing they dont solve any1s problem. I know ppl who paid and wait up to 3 months for their items, this is gm support? You have a server and You have to help the ppl who support you. You can't be irresponsible. - end

well you cannot give items to every one that lost them


because some of this situations the players says fake things

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Star wars server as most of posters here said,i'll say it too.GMs aren't friendly,they never answer a question,most of the time they're Offline.Everyone is PKing newbies and they think they're pro saying "Noob" no comment.

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Star wars server as most of posters here said,i'll say it too.GMs aren't friendly,they never answer a question,most of the time they're Offline.Everyone is PKing newbies and they think they're pro saying "Noob" no comment.

and what's the problem if they pk??


PK is a part of the game. Also and you pk so don't blame only the others.

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We dont pk noobs we pk enemies.

toing.... man think before you speak


you mean that you are noob?? because you told before  that the server is full of pk and they pk and you.. so you are noob too....


i am kidding xD


guyz PK exists in every l2 server and to official too!!! why not exist to mafia?? also i want to answer to something... 03 or KvN1 isn't Dimis' server... just only to know it.. because i heard that at 03 they have super haste... as i saw they have but to know the server isn't Dimis'... is a friend server

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toing.... man think before you speak


you mean that you are noob?? because you told before  that the server is full of pk and they pk and you.. so you are noob too....


i am kidding xD


guyz PK exists in every l2 server and to official too!!! why not exist to mafia?? also i want to answer to something... 03 or KvN1 isn't Dimis' server... just only to know it.. because i heard that at 03 they have super haste... as i saw they have but to know the server isn't Dimis'... is a friend server

Ofc pk exists, and in OFF as you say, there is a chance to drop your items.in mafia the is chance is 0% (i remember), and if it's 0% no one will thing before take a PK, ALL will pk ..lol why not.

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Ofc pk exists, and in OFF as you say, there is a chance to drop your items.in mafia the is chance is 0% (i remember), and if it's 0% no one will thing before take a PK, ALL will pk ..lol why not.

are you s00r for this you say?? from this sh1t i understand that you only tell what the other guyz tell.. you didn't even test mafia... and i am 100%..


at stuck subs/ken abigail/ken owren there is pk drop. At stuck i droped +17 rapier and +16 dyna the upper piece

and to orwen dyna bow +18


now at abigail i don't know because i don't play to much there...but now i understood that you never played mafia...

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are you s00r for this you say?? from this sh1t i understand that you only tell what the other guyz tell.. you didn't even test mafia... and i am 100%..


at stuck subs/ken abigail/ken owren there is pk drop. At stuck i droped +17 rapier and +16 dyna the upper piece

and to orwen dyna bow +18


now at abigail i don't know because i don't play to much there...but now i understood that you never played mafia...

Mafia realy played: KvNs servers, ken abigail

Mafia just logged to test: 300x (crup..)


1 mob and qq pk ?

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Mafia realy played: KvNs servers, ken abigail

Mafia just logged to test: 300x (crup..)


1 mob and qq pk ?

well because i see that i speak with a noob that only make POSTS to have MORE POST COUNTS!!! and as i told you on an other post don't tell a server that is awful or crup because you cannot play there!! try more and if you see after of one week that you really cannot play there then critism the server like this... but not now... you played 5 min and you have opinion about the server ... lol man....
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Seriously, Im a legend of l2mafia stucksubs, it appears most of ppl will know my name if i share it out.

At 04?u talk about pk drop? what about the bug that exists, u pk a flagged person and u drop items, ROFLMAO,  i lost valakas +25 and 3 parts of legancy +25 like this :D

Ken abigail? Server only exists for necro and pala, Whatever dimis says.

Ken orwen? Donators got their own PRIVATE  farming area, DONT LIE IT EXISTS!

03-02 Donators got their own farming area with santa mobs, NICE


I wont share out my nick bcz dimis  may get  angry with what i say BUT:

If u want recall by GM, Shout in HV:"GM I NEED DONATE PLS" and u will get recalled in less than 1minute.A


Thats all,


Server is good but gets boring after some time.


P.S Stop with the flaming

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Seriously, Im a legend of l2mafia stucksubs, it appears most of ppl will know my name if i share it out.

At 04?u talk about pk drop? what about the bug that exists, u pk a flagged person and u drop items, ROFLMAO,  i lost valakas +25 and 3 parts of legancy +25 like this :D

Ken abigail? Server only exists for necro and pala, Whatever dimis says.

Ken orwen? Donators got their own PRIVATE  farming area, DONT LIE IT EXISTS!

03-02 Donators got their own farming area with santa mobs, NICE


I wont share out my nick bcz dimis  may get  angry with what i say BUT:

If u want recall by GM, Shout in HV:"GM I NEED DONATE PLS" and u will get recalled in less than 1minute.A


Thats all,


Server is good but gets boring after some time.


P.S Stop with the flaming

04: as a legend of stuck you should know that when play 2 fighters pvp sometimes the one will pk .. why?? because of the p.atk and vampic rage/dance of vampire/antharas


02: no santa mobs and every one who has dyna parts or any augment skill isn't donator.

03: isn't Dimis' server


ken abigail: i don't know much thinkgs about this server

ken orwen: the donate prices are too low so why not to give 40 euro to take an augment skill?? is too low price that makes you to do donate without to want if you like the server too much... except if you want to take the items with the normal way which and this is possible...


Also i don't flame the server i try to protect it from the noobs that tell only what they hear and they don't tests the server. And even if they test it, they test it for 5 min because they don't know to survive!!!!

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