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[Guide] Archmage

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Η τεραστια αγάπη που έχω για τα αλλα members του forum, με έκανε να φτιάξω αυτό το Guide για Archmage για να μάθετε να παίζεται.

Λοιπόν λίγα λόγια για τον Archmage με βάση την εμπειρία μου:

Ο Archmage δεν είναι και ο καλύτερος mage του game.Έχει μέτρια Casting και M.Atk αλλα αρκετά καλά skills.Πάντως για οποιον αρχίζει πρώτη φορα L2, ο Archmage είναι ότι πρέπει, διότι είναι πολύ απλός char με λίγα και καλά skills.

(To Guide αναφέρεται αποκλειστικά για Interlude Client)



(Η power των skills είναι στο Top level)


2vwe3jb.pngSurrender To Fire: Μειώνει τι Risistance του αντιπαλου στις Fire Attacks(όπως Prominence)

219s5ls.pngProminence: Το βασικό επιθετικό Skill του Archmage. Power 108

10sga9t.pngAura Flare: Είναι ένα Skill, που δεν έχει μεγάλη power αλλα έχει μεγάλη Casting Speed. Power 87

dc3s4h.pngFire Vortex: Είναι το Vortex του Archmage με Fire Element. Είναι αρκετά ισχυρό και ταυτόχρονα μειώνει Atk.Speed, Cast. Speed, την "Resistance" στις Fire Attacks, και όση ώρα είναι ενεργό σαν debuff, τρώει συνεχώς την MP του αντιπαλου. Power 140.

2pq51yt.pngSleep: Έλεος, κάνει sleep στον αντίπαλο ακινητοποιώντας τον μέχρι να φάει Damage.

skill1072_0.pngSleeping Cloud: Κάνει το ίδιο με το slep απλώς είναι "Mass"

eumqsy.pngDecay: Λειτουργεί σαν Poison η bleed, μονο πολύ πιο δυνατό, καθώς γίνετε και γρήγορα Cast

eu0ft5.pngSlow: Μειώνει τι speed του αντιπαλου

161g85f.pngCancellation: Βγάζει έναν αριθμό από τυχαία buffs από τον αντίπαλο

skill1232_0.pngBlazing Skin: Είναι ένα Buffs διαρκειας 20 mins, που κάνει Reflect ένα ποσοστό των Damage που τρως. ΔΕΝ ΚΑΝΕΙ  REFLECT SKILLS!



O Archmage αφου ειναι mage class, χρησιμοποιει παντα Robe Αrmor. Oι παρακατω Armors/Weapons/Jewels ειναι απλα προτεινομενες, και δεν συμαινει πως ειναι ευκολη η αποκτηση τους.


No Grade,D Grade(lvl 1-39)

weapon_voodoo_doll_i00.pngVoodoo Doll (μονο για lvl 1-19)

weapon_life_stick_i00.pngStaff of Life (μονο για lvl 20-39)

armor_t55_u_i00.pngarmor_t55_l_i00.pngDevotion Set

accessary_blue_diamond_necklace_i00.pngaccessary_coral_earing_i00.pngaccessary_blue_coral_ring_i00.pngBlue Diamond Necklace, Coral Earring, Blue Coral Ring (μονο για lvl 1-19)

accessary_elven_necklace_i00.pngaccessary_elven_earing_i00.pngaccessary_elven_ring_i00.png Elven Jewels Set (μονο για lvl 20-39)



C Grade(lvl 40-51)

weapon_homunkuluss_sword_i01.pngHomunkulu's Sword SA: Acumen

armor_t53_u_i00.pngarmor_t53_l_i00.pngarmor_t53_g_i00.pngarmor_t53_b_i00.pngKarmian Set

accessary_necklace_of_binding_i00.pngaccessary_earing_of_binding_i00.pngaccessary_ring_of_binding_i00.pngBinding Jewels Set


B Grade(lvl 52-60)

weapon_tears_of_wizard_i01.pngWizards Tear SA: Acumen

armor_t59_ul_i00.pngitem_5716.jpgitem_5732.jpgitem_2415.jpgAvadon Robe Set

accessary_necklace_of_black_ore_i00.pngaccessary_earing_of_black_ore_i00.pngaccessary_ring_of_black_ore_i00.pngBlack Ore Jewels Set


A Grade(lvl 61-75)

weapon_sword_of_miracle_i01.pngSword of Miracles SA: Acumen

item_2407.jpgitem_5767.jpgitem_5779.jpgitem_512.jpgDark Crystal Robe Set

accessary_inferno_necklace_i00.pngaccessary_inferno_earing_i00.pngaccessary_inferno_ring_i00.pngaccessary_inferno_earing_i00.png Majestic Jewels Set


S Grade(76-80)

Eδω στα S Grade, σαφως υπαρχει η αντοιστηχη S Grade Robe(Major Arcana), ομως δεν δινει Casting Speed κατι που λειπει απο τον Αrchmage.Βαιβεα η Major Arcana αναιβαζει M.Atk, -50% να φατε Interupt καποιο skill σας, δινει Stun Resist +50% και εχει σαφως παραπανω P.Def. Παρολαυτα, εγω επιμενω στα S Grade να μενετε με Dark Crystal Robe λογο της Casting Speed που δινει.

Tελος παντων, συνεχιζουμε:

weapon_arcana_mace_i01.pngArcana Mace SA: Acumen

accessory_tateossian_necklace_i00.pngaccessory_tateossian_earring_i00.pngaccessory_tateossian_ring_i00.pngTateossian Jewels Set




Πιστευω οτι γενικα δινουμε λιγο Casting και λιγο M.Atk αφαιρωντας MEN, οποτε εγω για Dyes προτινω:

item_4624.jpgWIT +4 MEN -4

item_4607.jpgINT  +4 MEN -4


XP Areas:


1-8  στα Gremlin, Keltir κτλ..


8-20 Elven Fortress


20-27 Έξω από Dion


26-32 Εξω απο Cruma


32-40 Cruma Tower 1st Floor


40-45 Eξω απο Hunter Vilage


45-49 Ivory Tower πάνω


49-54 Cemetery


54-61 Forshaken Plains


55-69 Forest Of The Dead


69-76 Hot Springs..


76-78 Varka/Ketra


78-85 Μαλλον εδω με PT στο Primeval Isle ή Μοs



Archmage στα PVP:

Πριν αρχίσω, θα ήθελα να αναφέρω πως το Cansel  να το σκάτε πάντα κανονικά(εγώ δεν θα το λέω κάθε φορα στα PVP).

Ας υποθέσουμε πως παίζεται σε έναν Low rate με λίγα buffakia, και ξεκινάτε από την άκρη μιας Arenas.


Archmage VS Archer

Αφήστε να σας σκάσει βέλος Η skill(για να μη φάτε Interupt).Ok τώρα Surender Το Fire, Fire Vortex και μετά prominence 3-4 θα χρειαστεί, γιατι έχει μικρή HP.


Archmage VS Tank

Αρκετά δύσκολος αντίπαλος, καθώς μπορεί να σας κάνει hold και να σας αρχίσει στα stun, εκεί μάλλον είστε off. Γι' αυτό λοιπόν το παν είναι να του πιάσετε Slow, αρχίστε με Slow, ύστερα Decay, Surender , Fire Vortex και Prominence. Να κοιτάζετε να τρέχετε λίγο μακριά αν πάει να σας φτάσει.


Archmage VS Dagger

Εδω δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση, να μην σας φτάσει ο Daggeras.Τέσπα, εσείς σκάστε 1-2 Sleep αν δεν πιασει αρχίζετε surender,Fire Vortex και μετά Prominence.Αν πιάσει το Sleep κάντε ένα Slow και μετά Decay και ύστερα συνεχίζεται όπως είπα πριν.Το κόλπο όμως είναι να μην γυρίσετε την πλάτη σας...Επίσης προσπαθήστε να έχετε το βελάκι πάνω στον αντίπαλο, μιας και θα σας βγάζει συνεχεια target.


Νοte: Ο μονος λογος που σκατε Slow στον Daggera ειναι για να σκασουμε οσα περισοτερα hit μπορουμε την ωρα που ερχεται σε μας. Δεν υπαρχει κανενας λογος να αρχισετε να τρεχετε και να hit, θα σας σπασει τα νευρα με το Trick και σιγουρα καποια στιγμη το Backstub θα το φατε. Γι' αυτο σε Daggera ΔΕΝ ΤΡΕΧΕΤΕ.


Archmage VS Mage

Ok τώρα σε VS mage σκάστε κανονικά Surender,Vortex και πολλά prominence, τα ίδια με πριν δηλαδή.Τώρα αν παίζεται εναντίον Νεκρό και φάτε Curse of Abyss μάλλον δεν το έχετε...Βεβαια το fire vortex μειώνει παρα πολύ casting speed, και θα δείτε την διαφορα στους άλλους μόλις το κάνετε.


ArchMage VS Gladi/Tyrant

Προσπαθήσετε να μην βρεθείτε κοντά του. Κατευθείαν αρχίζετε με Slow, μετά Decay και μετά την κλασική διαδικασία.... αρκεί να φεύγετε μακριά κάθε φορα που πλησιαζει, αν θελησει να πλησιασει. Ειδικα ο Gladiator με την μικρη Atk.Speed αν πιασει το Vortex και Slow, θα σας αρχισει απο μακρια και θα προλαβει το max 2 "μπανανες" να σκασει πριν ψοφισει.


Archmage VS Destroyer

Έχετε αρκετές ελπίδες, αρκεί να μην σας πιάσει από κοντά .Αρχίστε λοιπόν με slow και εκμεταλλευτείτε την λίγη speed του Destro.Surender, Fire Vortex, prominences.


Νote: Eδω ισχυει το ακριβως αντιθετο απο το PVP με Daggera. Πρεπει παντα μα ΠΑΝΤΑ να μενετε απομακρισμενοι απο τον Destro, κατι που ειναι ευκολο λογο της μικρης Speed του οπως προαναφερθηκε. Και γενικα αν τον δειτε να σκαει Freazy συνεχιστε να hit, κρατωντας παντα μια αποσταση, γιατι συντομα θα πεσει.



Credits: UnEffect @Maxcheaters.com




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kalo file mou to guide an kai nomizw ligo aplo!

mporeis na baleis polla alla pragmata!


P.X dyes,tattoo,armors,weapons,quest,jewels na baleis kiala skills oxi mono auta pou xrisimopoieis esu prosopika!


elpizw na boi8isa me auta oste na kaneis enan poio aksiologo odhgo gia ton sorceror!

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Symfono me oti eipe o Riakoc, kai epeisis den prostheses to skill Aura Flash pou gia mena einai VASIKO.


Otan paizo mage, pairno normal buffs xoris Berserker kai anti gia Magnus (opos kanoun oloi, pou gia mena ienai malakia) perno CoV (Kalytero HP kai P def) kai pao dipla apo tous enemies kai apla varao me to main nuke tou mage (Eite einai i prominence, eite Hydro Blast, eite Hurricane) kai tautoxrona spammaro to Aura flash pou leitourgi san Trick, to apotelesma einai ta mona class pou mou trone to CP einai oi Daggers. ;)

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@R1aKoC: Nai dikio exeis pragmati, alla egw to Guide to kanw kiriws gia ta PVPs.Baibea den nomizw na iparxei kapios edw kai toso NewBie pou na min 3erei kai ta class.Basika borei na iparxei alla gia na pw tin ali8eia, den kanw ta Guide gia help toso, alla 8elw na akousw gnwmes apo tous "Pr0" tou forum.


@Exte: Nai iparxei kai afto to Aura Flash, alla egw stous server pou eixa pe3ei me Sorc., alou den douleue, alou eixe megali I mikri reuse, alou den itan mass.E kai gia na min pw kamia blakia den to anefera ka8olou :P.Afou eipa etc kai aliws egw Sorcerer den...

An kai teleutaia eixa porw8ei me Archmage, kai mallon 8a kanw sub.Ama dw tipota new texnikes, 8a post here.

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Soz re file alla se ola ta tactics les oti diskola kerdizi kai oti ton exoun :S esto epidh einai siko sou to guide den 8a dosis kamia elpida ;D


BTW oreo share an 8es vale kai armors+ weapons xriazontai gia newbies


PS:keep posting guides

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  • 11 months later...

Poli basizese sto sleep k dn m aresei me 1 Mental Shield sleep dn pianei pote + oti anaferese s pvp srv p sinepagete me epic (ressist sleep) i me enchant jew + m def k episis to sleep apo c5 k argotera to castari pl arga extos kai anaferese s c4 srvs

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Tha mporouses na valeis k alla pragmata. (opws armor,jewls,dyes)

Sta pvp dn symfwnw teleiws. Vale merika Tips. Diladi, an to cc einai grigoro ston server p paizeis ksekinas me cc k meta ta ypoloipa..

Stous daggerades sleep kaneis mono an einai grigoro...ama to kanei san xelwna dn to xrisimopoieis. Episis sta daggeria kaneis aura flare wste na xasoun to target.


Thelei ligi douleia ;D

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« on: June 21, 2009, 23:52:25 »


and ..

« Reply #6 on: Yesterday at 16:53:29 »


O agapimenos m char.. alla re file gia pes mas ena classs p mporei na nikisei.


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« on: June 21, 2009, 23:52:25 »


and ..

« Reply #6 on: Yesterday at 16:53:29 »


O agapimenos m char.. alla re file gia pes mas ena classs p mporei na nikisei.



:o  Oute p to paratirisa -.-

Den eixa ksana dei guide gia Archmage kai nomiza pws eitane kainourgio :S

Anyway. Nomizw pws akoma k an einai allio mporoume na to kritikaroume. Den to dimiourghse gia na ginei Locked.

Ostoso polla comments mporoun na voithisoun na ginei kalytero to guide, me kaytes leptomeries :D

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    • make an item that expires either a week or a day when u press the accept , if u try to redo it and u have the item it wont let you, can be in quest items and not destroyable... 
    • If you are this new to java, I would strongly recommend using IntelliJ Community Edition (free) instead of Eclipse since it indexes your entire source and makes it extremely easy to navigate forward and backward dependencies and method calls. Now, on the topic. Unless your Mobius sources are ancient, they should already have native support. It is called `DailyTaskManager`. It would be impossible to give you a mould without such a DailyTaskManager. I would suggest you parse/adapt it from a newer source version if you don't have it. The logic is rather simple once you get to understand it. 1. You need a handler to count the mobs and give rewards, etc. 2. You need to keep mission status for each individual player in the database. 3. You need to INSERT the data when a player takes the mission, UPDATE it whenever you like, be it on every single mob or not (I would only update the DB on player disconnect/log out, or on mission completion), and SELECT/extract it when the player logs in (EnterWorld.java). 4. You need a way to get the Mission Reset Type (Daily/Weekly), and you should call a reset method similar to the one at the bottom of my post from within the DailyTaskManager every day at 9am or whenever you like. Keep in mind that the above is not an exhaustive list, but some generalised approach aimed at helping you see the bigger picture.   public synchronized void reset() { DailyMissionResetType reset = _holder.getResetType(); switch (reset) { case NEVER -> { return; } case MONTHLY -> { if (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH) != 1) { return; } } case WEEKLY -> { if (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != Calendar.MONDAY) { return; } } case WEEKEND -> { if (Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != Calendar.SATURDAY) { return; } } case DAILY -> { } default -> { LOGGER.warning("Unhandled daily mission reset type: " + reset); return; } } try ( Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getConnection(); PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM character_daily_rewards WHERE missionId = ? AND status = ?")) { ps.setInt(1, _holder.getId()); ps.setInt(2, DailyMissionStatus.COMPLETED.getClientId()); ps.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Error while clearing data for: " + getClass().getSimpleName(), e); } finally { _entries.clear(); // resets the entries in the Manager. DailyMissionsManager.getInstance().clearEntries(); } } *Disclaimer: The provided code snippet is just an adaptation of Mobius' implementation on newer chronicles.  
    • Please post ebooks and magazines here.
    • https://l2balerion.com   GENERAL RATES Exp: 5000x Sp: 5000x Adena: 100x Drop: 50x     ENCHANT RATES Safe Enchant: +6 Maximum Enchant Weapon: +20 Maximum Enchant Armor/Jewel: +20 Normal Scrolls Rate: 55% Blessed Scrolls Rate Until +16: 100% Crystal Scrolls Rate From +16 to +20: 100%     AUGMENT RATES & SKILL ENCHANT Mid Life Stone Rate: 5% High Life Stone Rate: 20% Top Life Stone Rate: 30% Max Skill Enchant: +14     COMMANDS .menu .info .repair     EVENTS EVERY HOUR DeathMatch Team vs Team Domination Double Domination Lucky Chests Simon Says Capture the Flag Mutant Korean TvT   NPC Global GK GM Shop Donation Shop Buffer Server Rankings Special Shop Augmenter Skill Enchanter Raid Info Castle Manager Dynamic Zone Engine Password Changer Skin Manager   EXTRA Olympiad Max Enchant +6 ( Your Items must be at least +6) Flame of Splendor Barakiel, drops Noblesse Item ( Last Blow cannot be Noblesse ). Tournaments are at 00.00 ( GMT+3 )
    • Hellllllo everyone ! Good news for some, bad news for others : aCis was, once again, leaked.   It wouldn't be that problematic if it was old content, or even last revision 408 ; but this time, the whole content of under development/master branches was leaked out. One pack project is actually reselling NEXT revision content - before even being announced on aCis forums.   The mole/leaker is still part of customers, and is still capable to leak data, at the date I speak about.   Since I'm on a joyful mood, following events will occur :   PIRATE PLANK MINIGAME   Since we got restricted amount of donators (we're actually 13 on sources counting developers, over all), it's not extremely hard to actually delete the mole ; few ppl are actually matching the description, and a list can be easily generated based on time leak, potential country, contributions,...   Which basically end with that representation :     How will it work ? Everytime a new leak will occur, the following donator on the board will jump out of ship (and Talking Island waters are kinda cold). Since I'm not a monster and got principles, I will send back spent money for the non-granted months to the kicked dude. You won't be added back to the sources, anytime. The game ends when the mole is dropped out, or when I'm alone with my most loyal peeps around.   CONTRIBUTION   Leftover donators will have to contribute to the pack, being reports or code edits. Silent people won't be renewed anymore solely based on money.   In the same order of idea, I will now request a minimum of 100 cookies contribution before accepting any new ppl on the gitlab - which anyway won't be hard to do if you're a minimum invested into the pack.   If you understood the concept, free ppl can access gitlab sharing for 200 cookies contribution (100+100), and donators can access with 100 cookies + 200€. Regarding monthly contribution, there are no special numbers to achieve, stay active and you will stay.   PUBLIC REVISION WILL STEP UP   Next rev 409 will be exceptionally released as public revision. This revision got unique reworks, notably AI (L2OFF GF 1:1) and pathfind systems (up to 100 times faster, see #for-your-eyes-only over aCis discord for screens proofs).   This revision got a lot of new content, and is far ahead of any other L2J pack in terms of AI fidelity with L2OFF - even the costier.   ENDING WORD   Thanks to all loyal people who have, will or currently support this pack - one of the very few to offer unique reworks.   L2J community, as a whole, unfortunately never stepped up or shined by its cleverness or integrity - and is more preocuppied to add poorly written customs over quality leaked sources.   The olympic medal goes to the poop-eater project owner applying straight leak, not even knowing what exactly is the changeset content (because yes, he doesn't know)... It's actually sad real people follow and pay for your work, but well, good job surfing on my own merits, I guess. Maybe one day you will go out of my shadows, and make your own path. That's the best I can wish you.   So, my thanks to the few beacons of light in this mere pool of shadows. That's essentially for you (and for my own pleasure, ofc) I continue to work on this hobbyist project - started almost 14 years ago.   -----------------------------------------------------   Changeset 409 (3301)   SCH, Castles, IU, Npc movement, Drop rate rework, Bugfixes, Organization   SCH - Ty Bandnentans for the good work All SCHs are normally fixed and working. CH decorations are reworked (they got their own XML, related Configs are dropped). Aden CHs got the Wyvern option, as stated in Patch Notes. Ty Denzel for report. CH features levels are corrected. Ty Denzel for report. Fix NPC clan crest issue. Castles Keep Castle next tax percent instead of resetting it to 0. Implementation of missing variables over Castle vault management. Ty KejbL for report. Remove doublons over Residence npcIds. Add npcId 35552 HTMs. Ty //Dev for report. Fix the tax income calculation. IU Add PAPERDOLL as potential location for IU (fix gm enchant, arrows consumption). Ty Roko91 for report. Fix weight calculation over login. Ty KejbL for report. Fix inventory update upon teleport (BSOE consumption). Ty //Dev for report, La Roja for fix. Fix inventory weight upon NPC buy. Npc movement MOVE_TO desire is cleansed over onEvtBlocked, avoiding to build infinite desire. Don't add MOVE_TO desire if given Location isn't reachable. FLEE doesn't call event upon onEvtBlocked (that event means something wrong happened, it's then impossible to trigger "regular" FLEE checks). Use Location#equals in few scripts. NpcAI#thinkFollow cleanup (-8 arrays, -24 List#get, -8 distance2D). Drop rate rework Main idea is to iterate each category X times, as if X monsters were killed. No % re-calculation or whatever, it's plain and simple. x50 means you got the calculated drops of 50 monsters. Avoid to generate IntIntHolder, manage the drop/spoil using a Map<Integer, Integer> instead, which also allow to merge similar itemIds. Categories % are tested no matter if drop or spoil, which allow levelMultiplier to be properly applied. Monster#dropItem is moved to Npc#dropItem, which allow any Npc to drop an item and avoid cast. "killer" is now part of all Npc#dropItem, meaning the item is properly item protected. Bugfixes Fix a ClassCastException over Quest#onClanAttacked. Fix a NegativeSizeArrayException upon client logging. Drop few logging errors related to invalid client attempts. Fix NPE over Q635. Fix PDAM calculation prior to rev 399 physical attack/skill split. Ty Yoska for report. Fix TradeList automatic title cleanup. Ty Denzel for report/fix. Add back missing Config.PARTY_XP_CUTOFF_METHOD "none" option. Ty CUCU23 for report/fix. Fix "upper roof" NPCs. Ty Bandnentans for fix. Fix Seven Signs individual stone contribution method. Ty //Dev for report. Fix Q372 reward table and drop rate. Ty //Dev for report. Q348 now distributes drops as party-random, despite the client info. Ty Denzel for report. Fix Benom teleports out. Hardcode other in/out Locations. Ty //Dev for report. Don't show Crystallize icon on inventory for Bounty Hunters (was an addition of CT1 GP1). Ty Bandnentans for report. Replace "weightPenalty" for "weightLimit" over skills XMLs. Ty //Dev for report/fix. When Heroes participate in a raid against Antharas, Valakas, and Baium, the boss monster has a chance to shout out the Hero characters’ names. Ty deekay for fix. Fix isRaidBoss implementation (a raidboss minion without master was considered raidboss). Fix Nurse Ants not healing the Queen Ant larva. Fix a SQLException over Olympiad server startup. Fix a SQLException over Clan member removal (since clan privs rework). Fix default 30169 npcId HTM. Ty Bandnentans for report. Fix Festival Guide missing rift option. Ty Denzel for report/semi-fix. Few dwarven/general manufacture fixes Add the missing max recipe integrity check. Upon shop fail, call back the manage window. Upon shop fail, don't cleanup the manufacture list. Upon shop success, cleanup the reverse manufacture list (successful general shop resets dwarven, successful dwarven shop resets general). Organization Rework HtmCache and CrestCache to use NIO. Move CrestType to enums. Implementation of WorldObject#forEachKnownType / WorldRegion#forEachType & forEachRegion - Avoid List overhead in numerous popular locations (notably broadcastPacket or region checks - which are done on every knownlist check). Rework SkillList packet, it is now handled as other packets. Delete Player#sendSkillList method. Delete DeadlockDetector class and related configs. Add GameServer#isServerCrash, based on LaRoja implementation - without uses, for now. Move IPv4Filter class to commons.network, delete net.sf.l2j.util package. Add DefaultSeeRange config, use the retail value 450 instead of 400. Add more records, ty LaRoja for the merge request. Delete unused dimensionalRift.xml. Few ItemContainer optimizations. Rename all ocurrences of adenas to Adena. SonarLint / UCDetector fixes : Drop MathUtil#limit, use Math#clamp instead (introduced in JDK21). Drop following unused Configs : FS_TIME_ENTRY, FS_TIME_END, RAID_MINION_RESPAWN_TIMER. Few public / protected / private edits. A lot more to come. switch cases are merged (introduced in JDK12). Boolean object is compared to Boolean.FALSE/TRUE, not directly tested as a boolean. String#replaceAll is replaced with String#replace when a regex pattern isn't involved. Generate few records : Sequence, TutorialEvent. Few class-based variables are now local. Use HashMap.newHashMap instead of new HashMap when the capacity is known (static final maps). HashMap.newHashMap avoids to set 0.75 capacity when it's not needed. LogRecord record is renamed LogRecord logRecord, due to record being now a keyword. Use proper Singleton pattern for instance type (notably listeners). Generate private constructors calling IllegalStateException for utility classes.
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