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[Guide]How to make a Monster Like a Pet

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:o[Guide]How to make a Monster Pet :o



Hi in this guide I will show you how you can get a monster like Valakas and make him pet that summoning with skill like Kat the cat. Please to success follow my steps directly:


1) Open Navicat and go to table 'npc', there find a monster that you like and take his all stats and write them on a paper


2) Now go to the last table and make new npc (press the +)


3) After that put all Valakas stats but change his type to L2Pet and his ID that not exist(if you want change you can change the stats like you want)


4) When you finish that go here

C:\Server\gameserver\data\stats\skills (in my case) and open the file 1100-1199.xml and open it with notepad


5)Now go to the bottom and copy and paste that (if you want Valakas):



<skill id="1192 <--- This will be the skill that you call valakas" levels="1" name="Summon Valakas">

<table name="#mpConsume_Init"> 8 </table>

<table name="#mpConsume"> 31 </table>

<table name="#reuseDelay"> 21600000 </table>

<table name="#itemConsumeCount"> 3 </table>

<table name="#itemConsumeCountOT"> 0 </table>

<set name="itemConsumeId" val="1458"/>

<set name="itemConsumeCount" val="#itemConsumeCount"/>

<set name="itemConsumeIdOT" val="1458"/>

<set name="itemConsumeCountOT" val="#itemConsumeCountOT"/>

<set name="itemConsumeTime" val="240000" />

<set name="mpInitialConsume" val="#mpConsume_Init"/>

<set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume"/>

<set name="power" val="0.0"/>

<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>

<set name="hitTime" val="15000"/>

<set name="reuseDelay" val="#reuseDelay"/>

<set name="skillTime" val="15000"/>

<set name="skillType" val="SUMMON"/>

<set name="isMagic" val="true"/>

<set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>

<set name="castRange" val="-1"/>

<set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>

<!-- Summon-specific -->

<table name="#npcIds"> P u t y o u r I D </table>

<set name="npcId" val="#npcIds" />

<set name="expPenalty" val="0.3" />

<set name="isCubic" val="false" />




This must be above the line </list>


6) When you finish that go to your server and add skill ID: 1192 LvL: 1 at then use the skill and it will call valakas


Attention :A problem that all have is that the attack icon not exists so you must first summon an official monster like kat the cat and get his attack icon on the shortcuts of the bottom of your screen now when you summon valakas you will use the botton that you put in shorcuts and it will attack.


<skill id="1192 <--- This will be the skill that you call valakas" levels="1" name="Summon Valakas">
<table name="#mpConsume_Init"> 8 </table>
<table name="#mpConsume"> 31 </table>
<table name="#reuseDelay"> 21600000 </table>
<table name="#itemConsumeCount"> 3 </table>
<table name="#itemConsumeCountOT"> 0 </table>
<set name="itemConsumeId" val="1458"/>
<set name="itemConsumeCount" val="#itemConsumeCount"/>
<set name="itemConsumeIdOT" val="1458"/>
<set name="itemConsumeCountOT" val="#itemConsumeCountOT"/>
<set name="itemConsumeTime" val="240000" />
<set name="mpInitialConsume" val="#mpConsume_Init"/>
<set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume"/>
<set name="power" val="0.0"/>
<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
<set name="hitTime" val="15000"/>
<set name="reuseDelay" val="#reuseDelay"/>
<set name="skillTime" val="15000"/>
<set name="skillType" val="SUMMON"/>
<set name="isMagic" val="true"/>
<set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>
<set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
<set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
<!-- Summon-specific -->
<table name="#npcIds"> P u t y o u r I D </table>
<set name="npcId" val="#npcIds" />
<set name="expPenalty" val="0.3" />
<set name="isCubic" val="false" />


P.S. Did you like it??? ;D


Special Thanks to : h3Xx and Tiny. ::)


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But that's only client sided, uh? So what's the point I don't understand the whole story, plz sb explain the purpose of it.:P


"4) When you finish that go here

C:\Server\gameserver\data\stats\skills (in my case) and open the file 1100-1199.xml and open it with notepad"


For you thaT is client sided Files ? pff. lol



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But that's only client sided, uh? So what's the point I don't understand the whole story, plz sb explain the purpose of it.:P


"4) When you finish that go here

C:\Server\gameserver\data\stats\skills (in my case) and open the file 1100-1199.xml and open it with notepad"


For you thaT is client sided Files ? pff. lol








SORRY, but I thought this is a client mod. Wtf it says [Lineage II client mods]. Don't be such a jerk and say pff&lol




never mind, i think I got the point. You summon a pet and it looks like valakas? I'not sure, plz correct me

  if  wrong

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  end if

  : P

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Yes, In simple Words, With the skill : Summon Kai the cat....You will summon Valakas/Baium/Antharas...or whatever you want...and this is a client & server side Modification ;D :P

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