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[Share] The Newest 6.60b Release

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Dota Allstars 6.60b Changelog:


* Some minor performance optimizations

* Fixed a fatal error possible when 2 users with blademail active fight each other

* Fixed a desync bug when using -tips while other map languages are in the game

* Fixed Force Staff so it doesn't push you into an impassable terrain

* Fixed some bugs with RS and other modes like RD

* Fixed a group memory bug

* Fixed camera from moving when you pick a hero in RD

* Fixed pink player from not being able to pick the furthest hero in -CD

* Fixed a bug that sometimes caused Echo Stomp to not get dispelled upon damage

* Fixed some issues with Treant Protector's Eyes In The Forest

* Fixed a multiple quelling abuse

* Added a note in the tooltip about Kunkka not being able to use Quelling Blade

* Fixed a minor visual cooldown glitch with the MKB toggle

* Temporarily disabled -terrain snow. It was causing annoying visual side effects for all terrain modes when exploring terrain that had previously destroyed trees. I'll restore this functionality as soon as I can.

* Fixed some typos


This is just a quick bugfix patch to fix exploits being abused. More changes and balance tweaks will come soon in the next patch.


Credits: Getdota.com

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6.60 surely ruins my guides and i have to edit them all

Not all :D Soem of heroes's have change...

Like: Ogre magis multicast!! Now it is 2level (that I remember) 20% 3times fireblast and 40% 2 times fireblast :D

You have only to change with the new items :P

Ogre magy Now is very Imba at 3 level of multicast at least every time I do multicast :D


I have to change silthiece guide,Magina and Lina's....From Monday I will start Editing my guides.


As I see 6.60b isnt something special.I am sure that icefrog will realise 6.60c min 1 or 2 weeks :D


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rulai,ogre magi,kael,abaddon must be edited :-x


hopefully techies ,azwraith and aiustha will remain the same and will only get some minor edits on their weapons

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batrider is the hottest hero,15-2 first time with him...


btw razor is a completely new hero now,all his skills changed,my opinion?he owns much more now..

The previus razor was noob friendly all the people who start dota was their first hero, Now is more imba but no noob friendly.

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rylai with the new edits is too easy to kill now...


ogre magi always multi-casting? skill? no...


not sure about kael or abbadon :S

Now I was palying a game with krobelus!! I was godlike!!! But host leaved and I couldnt save rrepalys :s

krobelus in new dota when she kills a player she get life o_O just Imba!! And I had only BoT andvangard on mosnter kill and Shivas on Godlike ! Just Imba!! But now she hasnt ms bonus :S

Kael hasnt any change just he take aganims.

Abdon 1st skill has lower Cd..


And I like the Ultra kill (4 kill in row) And Team kill(not sure just rumors)(5kill in row)

I think that we are a little offtopic :P

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The previus razor was noob friendly all the people who start dota was their first hero, Now is more imba but no noob friendly.


I agree with that...My first character was Zeus :P

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