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[Share]NvC Faction System[Alpha Stage]

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Hello folks ,


has been a while since my last share ,


so here it is


its called NvC , Noobs vs Cools Faction System which is in Alpha Stage. Whenever i have time and better ideas i will update it.You can also suggest me new ideas here.


Features :

  • Custom Start Title for every char
  • Custom Spawn point for all chars
  • Custom Spawn points for the 2 factions
  • Adena via PvP
  • Cannot Attack same faction member
  • 3 Custom starting levels , 75-80-85
  • Allow to change the Towns at PvP Zones
  • Colors of 2 factions!
  • Nice NPC which has different htmls when you change to a faction.(ex. when i speak to the NPC with a new character i will be able to see the normal
  • htm of the NPC , if i become a noob i see another , the same goes with cool)
  • Noble System , you need 50 pvps to get Noble and it will automatically remove them from your char and you get Noblesse status(fully)
  • When you die and press to village you get teleport back to Base(Cool's base  //Tully's Workshop 9 + Noob's base  //Tully's Workshop 10)
  • You dont flag when you attack another player and when you kill the opponent you pvp gets increased
  • New > Everytime a noob or cool logs in , they get a custom "welcome" message.
  • New 06/09 > When you use Soe you get back to your base(Normal soe).


Core Part :


Via Pastebin.ca :




Via HTTP :


Core Part - NvC Faction System



DP Part :



Via HTTP :


DP Part - NvC Faction System


NOTE : this works only at L2J(Gracia Final)(l2jserver.com) 100% , in other packs it might need optimization


Send feedback


Credits to me.

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i will agree with stef

in topic : Its realy Good Man Is for c6?


havent tested it at c6 yet , you can add it for sure but it might need edits.

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Added 2 messages when the char comes back online.

Added NPC's SQL file into DP patch.


NPC's sql :

INSERT INTO `npc` VALUES ('65535', '1', 'My Test NPC', '1', '', '1', 'Branch.br_crazy_turkey', '22.00', '32.00', '85', 'male', 'L2nvc', '40', '751', '331', '2.37', '1.53', '80', '80', '80', '80', '80', '80', '0', '0', '88', '119', '37', '112', '282', '0', '5000', '0', '0', '0', '30', '132', 'NULL', '0', '0', '0', 'LAST_HIT', '0', '0', '0', 'fighter', 'false');

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Great java modification.

Im going compile a pack with your system and share it.

pss: im back ;x



One question:

You have some htm files in dp part.

They are going in folder default? or custom

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One question:

You have some htm files in dp part.

They are going in folder default? or custom


data/html/ place the nvc folder there.

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