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maybe u wont enjoy at all the graphics of this game but after having played the first chapter this was by far the most realistic warfare game i've tried. depending on where u get hitted by enemies u can be simply wounded so run slower..if u r heavily wounded u can just crawl in ground hoping to find a medic near you or call one through radio..or more often just getting 1 shotted.u can drive helicopters ,tanks boats and so on. u can command ur squad giving them orders.i hope it can keep the promises and maybe get a little graphical update from the first chapter. it'll come out in fall 2009







width=1024 height=576http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/5490/operationflashpointofp2y.jpg[/img]


btw u can check more screens and videos in the homepage of the game


p.s.: i hope i've done all correctly if not just tell me and i'll correct

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